difficulties understanding


"Basic Strategy Variations" arent we told to undertsand basic strategy? let me get this right...if i have a 16 on a dealers 10 card up, im supposed to stand at 0 or anything higher? assuming i have my largest bet spread up...im supposed to stand? thanks


Staff member
Yes, if the true count is 0 or higher, stand with 16vT.
I assume you are asking why basic strategy says hit, but at a count of 0 you should stand. The reason is that in your 16vT, there is at least one ten removed from the deck for the dealer's upcard. In other words, off the top of the deck, the count is slightly negative for this hand and you should hit.


In Bryce's table, it says to surrender for multiple decks, when the TC is between -5 to 5. Right? Unless if it's super negative, then I would probably hit. Am I correct to do this?

16 vs 10



Staff member
I wasn't considering surrender earlier in this thread.

In a 6-deck S17 game, the Hi-Lo count surrender index for 16vT is -4.
That is, hit 16vT at -5 or worse. (Better yet, don't be at the table!)
At -4 or better, surrender.

If you can't surrender, then hit 16vT at -1 or worse. Stand at 0 or better.


Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
16vT is -4.
That is, hit 16vT at -5 or worse. (Better yet, don't be at the table!)
At -4 or better, surrender.
hahaha, i was thinking the same thing (leave!), i couldn't imagine a negative count big enough to hit a 16vT if surrender WAS available, well i learned something new!