Disturbing ploppy


Well-Known Member
BTW the fa, older, ugly women are the worst at talking under their breathe and berating and belittling people. I shouldnt have just said men,but I appear to intimidate the women and they tend to leave me alone. Except the Asian ones who dont speak english which I look at when they get going and say if you cant speak english dont talk. Basically I think I hate people that dont mind their business. I chat with some nice people who dont have blackjack attitudes and have a good time, but I do meet more J/Os at the ten dollar tables then nice people. I met a guy at Ballys who said he gets flown everywhere to play yet he was beside me at a 10 table and asking me what to do, which I responded it is your game do what works for you! i DONT LIKE TO GIVE ADVICE! I was counting and chatting but I dont really like doing that so I never found out how he gets plane fare to play at Ballys!


Well-Known Member
Oh one other thing, they did this band, kettle one chicky thing and coupons for winning black jack at the sound of the bell. It was loud, distracting, people singing and dancing in the pit and I won the first blackjack coupon and like 3 more, but you had to leave the table to go play at another winner table for prizes, and so deep in the count I could not and they could not understand as they said no go we have a marker, I was like no I dont really need a ballys t shirt thank you very much. After this weekend, I was like why me? Then I remembered I had just finisheed reading a book about counting in stressful situations and told my fiance I really neeed more practice doing that. BE CAREFUL FOR WHAT YOU ASK FOR!!!;)


Well-Known Member
nj45, I think indeed some practice might come in handy, so that you can keep the count while idiots are going on about stupid things. Refusing to engage them so you can concentrate is like a huge counter flag. Fortunately, you're a woman, so you get an immediate million points of camo. Also, you're in AC, so the casino can't do anything particularly bad about it.
nj45lady said:
...but he hates the cocktail waitresses sticking their stuff in his face...
No. He does not.

nj45lady said:
...Any advice would be appreciated....
Always happy to help another AP. First thing you can never forget about a casino is that it is not a church. These buildings were created to promote vice of all kinds and entertain the depraved. Many of the people you see around you have mental illness, many of them are drunk or on drugs, some of them have committed felonies to play with that very money you see them betting and that may be in your pocket by the end of the night. So when the worst thing you see are men who are too officious or rude or people with poor hygiene, you've had a good night. It gets worse. When we decide to become AP's we make a deal with... well maybe not him:devil: but we do agree to walk into a place where reason, intelligence and decency do not prevail, and we do it for money. It comes with the job, no option but to get over it.

Interacting with civilians and employees while counting is a skill you'll need to develop. Now being female has an advantage for cover but you also have a challenge too. A lot of the men who come up and talk to you, offering advice and whatnot may just be approaching you for the traditional reason, and you know how men are very poor judges of what will impress a woman! So maybe try imagining you are just sitting at a bar someplace and a guy walks up to you and starts chatting you up. You know how to deal with that, right? Just treat him like you would some weirdo with pickup lines and it won't look out of place because that happens all the time in social places.

Odor- compulsive gamblers neglect their hygiene. Also some Asian people believe it is unhealthy to bathe in cold weather, and it has been very cold recently. So we've been encountering a bit of that lately. Not too much that can be done about it, and it's really no worse than outside of the US where daily washing and deodorant is not practiced. Intense perfume really gets me too, but to any non-smoker a cigarette or cigar right in your face is as bad as a body odor. Part of the job.

Advice- if someone wants my advice I'll give it, and never bad advice because that violates the Golden Rule. It's usually profitable to make friends at the table when it doesn't cost you anything to do so. Again, there are a lot of troubled people in the casino so you never know how your advice is going to be received, but if they asked you they can't blame you. When I receive unsolicited advice I'll just ignore it. But on toss-up calls asking your neighbors for advice helps you blend in and is a useful cover device.

General- you never know what you're going to see in a casino. I was in AC too this weekend. There was this one guy, what a mess, you should have seen him. Big foul-mouthed drunk, looked like a real slob. Complaining when he won, complaining when he lost, muttering how the dealer was cheating him. Dirty comments about the waitresses. Arguing with the other players. Then he'd win a few hands and be celebrating like a maniac. But he was winning money. Can you guess why? :cool2:


Well-Known Member
Use your advantage

I know you probably do use the advantage that we male players do not have.
Still today, male pit critters do not think women can play blackjack, much less have the ability to count.
The unwashed at your table think so also.
As a side note, there are also women who do not seem to at least launder their clothing, as I recently sat down next to a lady who was talking about her lucky sweater. My best guess is she had been lucky for more than 20 years because the thing smelled like a uncleaned and unventilated locker room.

You sound like you have a thick skin, good. Just take the casinos money and take the money that the casino took from those annoying people, smile and move on to your next advantage play.

My niece, is perhaps the best AP I know. A part of her arsenal of weapons is the fact that she is a tall beautiful woman. The pits let her spread at will and the guys at the table give her advice but she always goes with her intuition (BS and indices).

Good variance.


Automatic Monkey said:
General- you never know what you're going to see in a casino. I was in AC too this weekend. There was this one guy, what a mess, you should have seen him. Big foul-mouthed drunk, looked like a real slob. Complaining when he won, complaining when he lost, muttering how the dealer was cheating him. Dirty comments about the waitresses. Arguing with the other players. Then he'd win a few hands and be celebrating like a maniac. But he was winning money. Can you guess why? :cool2:
That guy you describe sounds alot like, "Booty", Bootlegger of BJ 21 fame:laugh:

The casinos in the GNW are no where near as bad as the AC ones you describe. I think the reason is because the frigid Artic environs drive the scum away. :grin:

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Well-Known Member
nj45lady said:
Thanks creeping panther and 21 for listening and responding. Yes, I need to give out less info, and 90% of the time I just have to listen to yelling coming my way and being hit on. 21 I am sure if you go to AC you can easily figure out who I am, not many bleach blonde middle age woman play blackjack. I only see non english speaking asian ones and some black ones who play for short periods, not many like me that stick it out. I dont talk until being placed to the point of not being able to hold the count as the person wont stop harassing me so I do my best to try to shut them up right away!
My other half feels we need to play the HET places since we get the rooms, we have 3 kids to support and I only have weekends off. We do go to Borgata and Trop, each which has better games, but he hates the cocktail waitresses sticking their stuff in his face he is such a great guy to me, and I hate the smelly people in the trop and he hates the horse parlor there. Our neutral ground we have found is Harrahs and Ballys as Ballys has a good horse parlor and I can frequent the 10 tables where the pit doesn't watch much and they are super friendly and they have so many idiots to deal with it is pretty easy to play! I understand what everyone is saying about the difference in the decks/penetration etc, but I haven't found it to effect my bottom line. My variation in what I make and spend is always based on my stupid factor for the day rather than the deck size. I am not nearly as skilled as all of you and I actually need to learn more. I am having a very hard time understanding how if the beginning of a deck runs a HIGH running count, which is around a +1 total how I can feel good betting more than minimal units, since I can't feel confident with 6+ decks left that this count is real? I know I am not making sense here, but what I do is so novice I am ashamed to say this. I count and jump in when there are 4 decks or left remaining and the shoe goes 3 or more. I think I sit through more shoes than I play as I sometimes see shoes that only start positive and then stay negative. Sunday I sat through 2 that never went above a -3 and went as far as a -10, but the beginning was soaring. My strategy works, but I know it is dumb.
Any advice would be appreciated. As long as I am not being told to double down a 10 against a 6 I wont yell at you, I promise!!!!
well your first story and this post have sure been an enjoyable read.:)
i have two daughters, both beauties and i know it's hard for you gals to go any where or do anything with out some drooling lecher or gender minded goofy type imposing their nonsense on your harmony. but, you doubtless know how to deal with that stuff, more experience at the tables and you'll be working it all with grace and charm i'm sure.

just only thing on your play in AC i might suggest (and remember, me i'm just a hack) but i'd just say maybe slow down a bit. leave those tables on negative counts as much as you can, potty breaks or what ever. maybe just leave a table completely at times, and maybe no big deal if you don't get another table right away. hey, enjoy your self. some times you can garner a lot of loot with out having to play so many hands, sort of thing.
not how a pro would go about it, but not the end of the world for an AP recreational approach. just my two cents worth on it.

nj45lady said:
Thanks creeping panther and 21 for listening and responding. Yes, I need to give out less info, and 90% of the time I just have to listen to yelling coming my way and being hit on. 21 I am sure if you go to AC you can easily figure out who I am, not many bleach blonde middle age woman play blackjack. I only see non english speaking asian ones and some black ones who play for short periods, not many like me that stick it out. I dont talk until being placed to the point of not being able to hold the count as the person wont stop harassing me so I do my best to try to shut them up right away!
My other half feels we need to play the HET places since we get the rooms, we have 3 kids to support and I only have weekends off. We do go to Borgata and Trop, each which has better games, but he hates the cocktail waitresses sticking their stuff in his face he is such a great guy to me, and I hate the smelly people in the trop and he hates the horse parlor there. Our neutral ground we have found is Harrahs and Ballys as Ballys has a good horse parlor and I can frequent the 10 tables where the pit doesn't watch much and they are super friendly and they have so many idiots to deal with it is pretty easy to play! I understand what everyone is saying about the difference in the decks/penetration etc, but I haven't found it to effect my bottom line. My variation in what I make and spend is always based on my stupid factor for the day rather than the deck size. I am not nearly as skilled as all of you and I actually need to learn more. I am having a very hard time understanding how if the beginning of a deck runs a HIGH running count, which is around a +1 total how I can feel good betting more than minimal units, since I can't feel confident with 6+ decks left that this count is real? I know I am not making sense here, but what I do is so novice I am ashamed to say this. I count and jump in when there are 4 decks or left remaining and the shoe goes 3 or more. I think I sit through more shoes than I play as I sometimes see shoes that only start positive and then stay negative. Sunday I sat through 2 that never went above a -3 and went as far as a -10, but the beginning was soaring. My strategy works, but I know it is dumb.
Any advice would be appreciated. As long as I am not being told to double down a 10 against a 6 I wont yell at you, I promise!!!!
Some time go out of your way and find a fine DD game and have at it;)

You will find it most enjoyable and a new world compared to the shoes.:cool:

Best to you,


Well-Known Member
Personalities all friends?

Automatic Monkey said:
No. He does not.

Always happy to help another AP. First thing you can never forget about a casino is that it is not a church. These buildings were created to promote vice of all kinds and entertain the depraved. Many of the people you see around you have mental illness, many of them are drunk or on drugs, some of them have committed felonies to play with that very money you see them betting and that may be in your pocket by the end of the night. So when the worst thing you see are men who are too officious or rude or people with poor hygiene, you've had a good night. It gets worse. When we decide to become AP's we make a deal with... well maybe not him:devil: but we do agree to walk into a place where reason, intelligence and decency do not prevail, and we do it for money. It comes with the job, no option but to get over it.

Interacting with civilians and employees while counting is a skill you'll need to develop. Now being female has an advantage for cover but you also have a challenge too. A lot of the men who come up and talk to you, offering advice and whatnot may just be approaching you for the traditional reason, and you know how men are very poor judges of what will impress a woman! So maybe try imagining you are just sitting at a bar someplace and a guy walks up to you and starts chatting you up. You know how to deal with that, right? Just treat him like you would some weirdo with pickup lines and it won't look out of place because that happens all the time in social places.

Odor- compulsive gamblers neglect their hygiene. Also some Asian people believe it is unhealthy to bathe in cold weather, and it has been very cold recently. So we've been encountering a bit of that lately. Not too much that can be done about it, and it's really no worse than outside of the US where daily washing and deodorant is not practiced. Intense perfume really gets me too, but to any non-smoker a cigarette or cigar right in your face is as bad as a body odor. Part of the job.

Advice- if someone wants my advice I'll give it, and never bad advice because that violates the Golden Rule. It's usually profitable to make friends at the table when it doesn't cost you anything to do so. Again, there are a lot of troubled people in the casino so you never know how your advice is going to be received, but if they asked you they can't blame you. When I receive unsolicited advice I'll just ignore it. But on toss-up calls asking your neighbors for advice helps you blend in and is a useful cover device.

General- you never know what you're going to see in a casino. I was in AC too this weekend. There was this one guy, what a mess, you should have seen him. Big foul-mouthed drunk, looked like a real slob. Complaining when he won, complaining when he lost, muttering how the dealer was cheating him. Dirty comments about the waitresses. Arguing with the other players. Then he'd win a few hands and be celebrating like a maniac. But he was winning money. Can you guess why? :cool2:
Yeah, nice post Monkey. CP mentioned Boot. I think if you send it over there, it might win Wong's POM! How many multiple-personalities you got banging around in that multi-dimensional persona of yours? Do they ever clash? ;)


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
... and it's really no worse than outside of the US where daily washing and deodorant is not practiced.
Speak for yourself luv . . . .


Well-Known Member
Thanks for everyones support! Automatic Monkey I agree with most of what you say not all;)

Seriously. I haven't run into a counter yet, except one day at a 5 table at the Trop and he told me he had a neg 20 c0unt or something and it was like plus 3, and I KNOW I wasnt that far off, if at all. He was young and said he was banned from Foxwoods, yet he was playing with very little money and losing what little he had.

WHen you guys say get up take a break and leave a negative shoe, how do you know the count when you return? Or, am I supposed to be leaving and coming back to a new shoe? Sorry I am blonde.

I dont think I need to play all those games, seriously they just dont watch me, they flirt, they give me meal comps, the chat way too much, but no they dont take me seriously., but hey, I haven't made any real money yet. I play for hours and hours I either break even or win around 150 to 200. I am trying to learn and perfect my skill before ramping my bet and puttng my money on the line, my biggest spread is 3 units on a 10 table, but I have been saving my butt by wonging out all negative through plus 1 counts. Should I start in an 8 deck game on plus 1? The counting and basic strategy are easy for me, the betting is my problem:sad:

I know I havent seen any APs at my tables, they have all been stupid betters from what I gather, ramping after a win and dropping after a loss and doubling down on very negative counts while I am sitting out.

How does one play a 25 table and make it through all those bad counts?
Thanks to everyone for their help!


Well-Known Member
nj45lady said:
I know I havent seen any APs at my tables, they have all been stupid betters from what I gather, ramping after a win and dropping after a loss and doubling down on very negative counts while I am sitting out.

How does one play a 25 table and make it through all those bad counts?
Thanks to everyone for their help!
There are many index plays which are dd in neg. territory. When I play red, say $15 min, I'll break my units down to nickels and vary my bet on each hand even if the count doesnt move. Sometimes with and sometimes against the count, but never by a full 15 unit unless the count calls for 2u+ bet..

At green playall, you will never win at a 3u max bet. Mix some red into your green like I mentioned earlier to fluctuate your bet when the count stays flat (occasionally, dont over do it) and plan on a 1-12, or 1-16 spread by parlaying your wins into the rising count. Most important though is if the count stays high you have to keep the bet at the correct level for the count. If your afraid to put new money out when the times right because you just lost that 10u bet, you will rarely ever get ahead.


edit: using cvcx, you would find if set up properly your win rate would be equal to a stringent bet spread by moving your bets as I mentioned above in low counts, along with some slight adjustments to your pos. count bets.
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Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
General- you never know what you're going to see in a casino. I was in AC too this weekend. There was this one guy, what a mess, you should have seen him. Big foul-mouthed drunk, looked like a real slob. Complaining when he won, complaining when he lost, muttering how the dealer was cheating him. Dirty comments about the waitresses. Arguing with the other players. Then he'd win a few hands and be celebrating like a maniac. But he was winning money. Can you guess why? :cool2:
Kinda sounds like you. First time we met, you had me fooled. I really thought you were drunk at the end of that Caesars session.

nj45lady said:
Seriously. I haven't run into a counter yet, except one day at a 5 table at the Trop and he told me he had a neg 20 c0unt or something and it was like plus 3, and I KNOW I wasnt that far off, if at all. He was young and said he was banned from Foxwoods, yet he was playing with very little money and losing what little he had.
Sounds like ferret (I've met him, too.)

nj45lady said:
WHen you guys say get up take a break and leave a negative shoe, how do you know the count when you return? Or, am I supposed to be leaving and coming back to a new shoe? Sorry I am blonde.
If the TC goes to -1 within the first 2 decks, ask the dealer to hold your spot, get up and leave. You don't come back to that shoe. Have you read Schlesinger's BJA3? If not, you should. He ran numbers on this situation, and once this happens, it's best to find another table. Go to another pit, out of view of the first table, and start backcounting a fresh shoe. If it doesn't go positive, go back to you original seat, still waiting for you (they'll hold it for 20 minutes) and if the shoe isn't done yet, tell the dealer you'll wait for the shuffle, so you don't disturb the flow.

Another thing to realize - at those Ballys games, it's H17, so you're not in +EV territory until your TC is +2.

nj45lady said:
I dont think I need to play all those games, seriously they just dont watch me, they flirt, they give me meal comps, the chat way too much, but no they dont take me seriously., but hey, I haven't made any real money yet. I play for hours and hours I either break even or win around 150 to 200. I am trying to learn and perfect my skill before ramping my bet and puttng my money on the line, my biggest spread is 3 units on a 10 table, but I have been saving my butt by wonging out all negative through plus 1 counts. Should I start in an 8 deck game on plus 1? The counting and basic strategy are easy for me, the betting is my problem:sad:
If your college was a predominantly engineering school, you should be able to handle it. I got my undergrad degree at an engineering school, and it was something like 80:20 M:F.

nj45lady said:
I know I havent seen any APs at my tables, they have all been stupid betters from what I gather, ramping after a win and dropping after a loss and doubling down on very negative counts while I am sitting out.

How does one play a 25 table and make it through all those bad counts?
Thanks to everyone for their help!
AC is a big place. You will see some APs from time to time. I don't mean this in a condescending way, but APs tend to play the better games, and that's why you won't find many APs at the HET joints. The most I ever saw at one time in one place was when Trop first opened those 4D games. It was like a counter convention :laugh:
21forme said:
Kinda sounds like you. First time we met, you had me fooled. I really thought you were drunk at the end of that Caesars session.
Good guess! The trick is to eat your ice. You can keep "drinking" long enough to stay around a drink per hour that way. And a full stomach is necessary.

21forme said:
If your college was a predominantly engineering school, you should be able to handle it. I got my undergrad degree at an engineering school, and it was something like 80:20 M:F.
Wow, a girl for every 4 guys? Better ratio than I've ever seen. That's even cooler than everyone having their own oscilloscope!


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Wow, a girl for every 4 guys? Better ratio than I've ever seen. That's even cooler than everyone having their own oscilloscope!
The old joke in nerd college was that the student body was 20% female by number, but 40% female by weight...

Blue Efficacy

Well-Known Member
Nj45lady, be careful. Casino personnel read these boards, and if you keep bragging on account of the fact that they're not watching you, you might find that in the future, middle aged blonde women are more closely watched.


Well-Known Member
Thanks blue, I didnt think I was bragging at all. I am nervous as all get out, it is my assumption that no matter what I do at a $10 table they dont take me seriously. Now maybe if I bet more and ramped they would begin to watch.

I will take any and all advice.

So, who wants to tell me what to do when the count is really high in the beginning of the shoe?

No offense about not being a green chipper, I havent earned the right yet. I can play BS no problem but my betting needs work.

That 40% joke, that was mean LOL

I backcounted 2 shows this weekend, one never was positive after the beginning the second one was great until someone took the remaining seat before I could get into it.

Where do I get the book that was recommended? I need serious help as to when to bet higher in these 8 deckers and stay confident. Someone said something on here about women and emotion. I think it is true, I am only emotional when thinking about ramping up the money, and yes I can lose it, but I dont want to!

Thanks to everyone on here for all their continuous help!


Well-Known Member
nj45lady said:
Where do I get the book that was recommended? I need serious help as to when to bet higher in these 8 deckers and stay confident. Someone said something on here about women and emotion. I think it is true, I am only emotional when thinking about ramping up the money, and yes I can lose it, but I dont want to!

Thanks to everyone on here for all their continuous help!
suggestion, take the guess work out of these betting issues.
get a simulator. cvcx would do the trick. cost you less than one bad night in the casino.
nj45lady said:
...So, who wants to tell me what to do when the count is really high in the beginning of the shoe?...
Bet really high in the beginning of the shoe.

The purpose of true counting is to make where you are in the shoe irrelevant, so just go for it.


Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Wow, a girl for every 4 guys? Better ratio than I've ever seen. That's even cooler than everyone having their own oscilloscope!
MIT had the ratio at about 60/40 when i was there. hell, my last year there, the incoming class actually had more girls than guys i think.... but we still didnt get our own oscilloscopes :cry::cry: