Well-Known Member
This probably should be in the voodoo forum. I'm an AP player and have been for many years. Over time I have discovered something that I can't pin down mathematically. Here goes... don't laugh too hard. Often when I'm playing I know what the next card is before it's dealt. As far as I can tell it comes from seeing a pattern in the previously dealt cards. I can't make it happen at will but when it happens, I know it. And often it happens at least once or twice an outing. Occasionally though, not for many sessions. I know it sounds like BS, but I've done it with my kids many times. Any body else ever had that kind of thing happen? Some of it I can attribute to probability... i.e a 6-5 against Dealer A.. take Insurance because I know the 10 is next (I double down of course) even though its against the index. the ones that have me puzzled are the 5,6,7,As and 8s that I see. -- Any way calculating my action and winnings it works out to 3.75 % over the long haul. The only reason I'm being stupid enough write this is because I just won 27 hands in a row for a total of 28 out of 30 hands. (My game was abruptly ended at that point). Just wanted to throw it out there... its been troubling me for some time. - daddybo
P.S. yes i've done the factorials and permutations. It's not logically possible.
P.S. yes i've done the factorials and permutations. It's not logically possible.