Do any of you "warm up" before hitting the tables?


Well-Known Member
As I work with CV I notice that in my first one or two shoes the count may be off by as much as an RC7!!!!! But then right after that the RC for a shoe is accurate - all of this is on an 8 deck shoe. Do any of you do warm ups before you go to the tables to count? TIA.


Well-Known Member
BJLFS said:
As I work with CV I notice that in my first one or two shoes the count may be off by as much as an RC7!!!!! But then right after that the RC for a shoe is accurate - all of this is on an 8 deck shoe. Do any of you do warm ups before you go to the tables to count? TIA.
In the morning before I drive down, sometimes I'll deal myself a few decks just to get my mind active.


Well-Known Member
yes, i go directly to the bathroom and take a $hit as i'm faced with the prospect of leaving with 3k less than i came with...seriously though, i do review my index table for the game i am attacking


Well-Known Member
Same as Sharky, sometimes some of the index #s get fuzzy, but otherwise don't really do any other warmups.


Active Member
Go through the index chart in my head when driving, and/or visually review it when off the road. A round or two of a each of the following with a deck of cards: 1)deck scan- cards face up scanning deck while moving cards quickly right to left w/ thumbs, 2) 2 card, and 3) single card count down.


Well-Known Member
I'm either a degenerate that's playing too much or maybe I make a lot of mistakes, but I can't remember the last time I gave any thought away from the tables about anything other than the spread/ramp, and then only if I'm making a big change.

I do spend waaaay more time than necessary (like ever, probably) thinking about cover. I don't think I give off a bad vibe or fit the stereotype, but I always seem to attract the floor, and they are quick to engage me in conversation. I usually initiate it when they're standing there, though (and I do keep counting and play my game). They leave me alone after that, but it's probably because I'm not being aggressive enough, not because of some slickness I possess.



Well-Known Member
Very important. However long you've been playing, it's essential to be reviewing your charts on a regular basis, and practicing your skills.

And yes, off by 7 is frightening. Probably the best thing for you would be lots of table time at the smallest possible stakes, just to develop the frame of mind to be able to handle all distractions and never lose the count. If you're having errors of this magnitude, think about what might be causing them. Do you have trouble handling the negative numbers, or possibly make errors when crossing the boundary from negative to positive? Maybe consider devising indexes that allow you to use an initial running count of 50 or something, so you never have to use negative numbers? However, this won't work so well if you're making true count conversions.


Well-Known Member
Warming up before!

Yes I try to get laid before I play it helps me concentrate on the game better. Giving a good drilling relaxs me so not too much bothers me afterwards.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Yes I try to get laid before I play it helps me concentrate on the game better. Giving a good drilling relaxs me so not too much bothers me afterwards.


Well-Known Member
I warm up by backcounting two adjacent tables while talking to a friend on my cell phone. Once I find a positive count, I'm ready.


Well-Known Member
The first 30 minutes of action are always awkward. After that, it doesn't feel forced. By the 2-hour mark, I'm humming along: it seems to get smoother with each passing hour.

Twice this week I caught myself counting people en route to the next casino: a man and a woman walking together counts as -3. I guess he's a king or jack, and she's a 9. A couple of little kids were +4.

I have to drill the indexes 3 times a week.


Well-Known Member
Friendo said:
The first 30 minutes of action are always awkward. After that, it doesn't feel forced. By the 2-hour mark, I'm humming along: it seems to get smoother with each passing hour.

Twice this week I caught myself counting people en route to the next casino: a man and a woman walking together counts as -3. I guess he's a king or jack, and she's a 9. A couple of little kids were +4.

I have to drill the indexes 3 times a week.
Thank you!!


Well-Known Member
I haven't straight counted a game in over a month, and last night after about 4 22oz drafts I could still play 100%.

After awhile it just becomes second nature!


Well-Known Member
Dyepaintball12 said:
last night after about 4 22oz drafts I could still play 100%.
How can you be sure of that? :confused::laugh: Unless you can see a tape of your play later, you might not be as 100% as you think. ;) I don't drink and play, but I know there are plenty of times when I am out and have had quite a bit to drink, I always think to myself, "geez, I am not even buzzed". A few minutes later, I am doing something stupid, like dancing naked on the pool table. :laugh:


Well-Known Member
kewljason said:
How can you be sure of that? :confused::laugh: Unless you can see a tape of your play later, you might not be as 100% as you think. ;) I don't drink and play, but I know there are plenty of times when I am out and have had quite a bit to drink, I always think to myself, "geez, I am not even buzzed". A few minutes later, I am doing something stupid, like dancing naked on the pool table. :laugh:
That was YOU!!??:eek: hmm, I thought it might have been Aslan, he likes to
play pool.


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
Yes I try to get laid before I play it helps me concentrate on the game better. Giving a good drilling relaxs me so not too much bothers me afterwards.
Do you do this warm up before you start every new table?