Tallyfins said:
I usually play at the Beau or the Grand. So you guys are saying that it helps to play the tables where they don't use a CSM? What is the difference between a CSM and ASM? I guess I don't understand as you referenced both terms. Are there tables that actually shuffle, cut the deck, and deal all the cards down and THEN reshuffle the entire 6 decks?
CSM= Continuous Shuffle Machine. (One2Six
® by Shufflemaster). This machine is capable of continuously shuffleing the cards and dispensing them as needed. (The ones you described). You can't really count these machines.
ASM = Automatic Shuffle Machine. Machines that shuffle all the cards at one time and dispense all the decks at one time to be used in hand held games (pitch) or standard 6/8 deck shoe games... it simply replaces manual shuffling. When the deck(s) or shoe is exhausted, they are placed in the machine for reshuffle. It saves time by always having a fresh shuffled set of cards ready to go. (countable)
Tallyfins said:
I'm still confused as to how I can count cards if after every round they place the cards in a shuffler and they get reshuffled back into the deck(s). Then I would always be restarting at 0 on my card count after every hand. (Maybe I'm still not understanding)
You can't... this would be a CSM.
Tallyfins said:
I've had pretty good luck playing basic strategies in the past, but have never tried to count cards (even using a simple system like Hi-Lo). I'm hoping that will help me increase my odds (even if only slightly).
It will give you an edge on a countable game.
Tallyfins said:
What is the "One2Six" shuffler mean? Is that just the name of it?
Yes, One2Six is The Shufflemaster brand of continuous shuffle machines.
Tallyfins said:
Another question - the "pitch" games you are referring. Does that mean that with either 1 or 2 decks, they reshuffle after each round of play? Not sure if I understand the "pitch" term.
Pitch is a term used to describe cards held in the dealers hand while dealing. i.e. The dealer "pitches" the cards to the players. (and sometimes completely off the table

) Some single deck games are reshuffled after every had... Stay away from these. (especially any game that only pays 6:5). Double deck games are also usually pitch games and are usually dealt until 50 to 75% percent of the cards are used. Then reshuffled.
Tallyfins said:
I know that's a lot of questions, but I'm trying to figure out all these terms and DEFINITELY appreciate the help. :grin:
No problem.. your next assignment is to learn the rules that make each game good or bad for your playing strategy. It also should be noted that CSMs have a slightly decreased house edge when compared shoe games..
(Basic Strategy is slightly more accurate with CSMs) but the game moves much faster (more hands per hour played)... a side effect not especially good for the Basic Strategy player.