Do Biloxi BJ tables use a shoe?


The last time I was there, I thought I remembered that they immediately take the discards and place them back into the auto shuffler, thus doing away with the shoe? Is this correct and/or can anyone explain for me how it works?

Doesn't this effectively take away any card counting options?

Thanks, TF

Finn Dog

Well-Known Member
Tallyfins said:
The last time I was there, I thought I remembered that they immediately take the discards and place them back into the auto shuffler, thus doing away with the shoe? Is this correct and/or can anyone explain for me how it works?

Doesn't this effectively take away any card counting options?

Thanks, TF
There are 11 casinos in Bollix/Gulfport and they all offer double deck pitch as well as 6-Deck shoes. In the largest casino, the Beau Rivage, they also have CSMs (Continuous Shuffle Machines) on a few of their worst games in the middle of the floor.

A automatic shuffle machine is fine--it just does the shuffling for the dealer.

And no, you can't count a CSM.

Best regards,

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Well-Known Member
That's only true with the CSMs ... which are not that numerous in Biloxi. They usually collect about 1/2 a deck before they recycle them through the One2Six Shufflers.

Biloxi has many standard 6 Deck Shoe games and many single and double deck pitch games. Most of the games do use Auto Shuffling Machines (ASM)

You will find CSMs in use on many of the "Carnival Games"

Which Casino were you referring to?


daddybo said:
That's only true with the CSMs ... which are not that numerous in Biloxi. They usually collect about 1/2 a deck before they recycle them through the One2Six Shufflers.

Biloxi has many standard 6 Deck Shoe games and many single and double deck pitch games. Most of the games do use Auto Shuffling Machines (ASM)

You will find CSMs in use on many of the "Carnival Games"

Which Casino were you referring to?
I usually play at the Beau or the Grand. So you guys are saying that it helps to play the tables where they don't use a CSM? What is the difference between a CSM and ASM? I guess I don't understand as you referenced both terms. Are there tables that actually shuffle, cut the deck, and deal all the cards down and THEN reshuffle the entire 6 decks?

I'm still confused as to how I can count cards if after every round they place the cards in a shuffler and they get reshuffled back into the deck(s). Then I would always be restarting at 0 on my card count after every hand. (Maybe I'm still not understanding) :)

I've had pretty good luck playing basic strategies in the past, but have never tried to count cards (even using a simple system like Hi-Lo). I'm hoping that will help me increase my odds (even if only slightly).

What is the "One2Six" shuffler mean? Is that just the name of it?

Another question - the "pitch" games you are referring. Does that mean that with either 1 or 2 decks, they reshuffle after each round of play? Not sure if I understand the "pitch" term.

I know that's a lot of questions, but I'm trying to figure out all these terms and DEFINITELY appreciate the help. :grin:



Well-Known Member
Tallyfins said:
I usually play at the Beau or the Grand. So you guys are saying that it helps to play the tables where they don't use a CSM? What is the difference between a CSM and ASM? I guess I don't understand as you referenced both terms. Are there tables that actually shuffle, cut the deck, and deal all the cards down and THEN reshuffle the entire 6 decks?
CSM= Continuous Shuffle Machine. (One2Six® by Shufflemaster). This machine is capable of continuously shuffleing the cards and dispensing them as needed. (The ones you described). You can't really count these machines.

ASM = Automatic Shuffle Machine. Machines that shuffle all the cards at one time and dispense all the decks at one time to be used in hand held games (pitch) or standard 6/8 deck shoe games... it simply replaces manual shuffling. When the deck(s) or shoe is exhausted, they are placed in the machine for reshuffle. It saves time by always having a fresh shuffled set of cards ready to go. (countable)

Tallyfins said:
I'm still confused as to how I can count cards if after every round they place the cards in a shuffler and they get reshuffled back into the deck(s). Then I would always be restarting at 0 on my card count after every hand. (Maybe I'm still not understanding) :)
You can't... this would be a CSM.

Tallyfins said:
I've had pretty good luck playing basic strategies in the past, but have never tried to count cards (even using a simple system like Hi-Lo). I'm hoping that will help me increase my odds (even if only slightly).
It will give you an edge on a countable game.

Tallyfins said:
What is the "One2Six" shuffler mean? Is that just the name of it?
Yes, One2Six is The Shufflemaster brand of continuous shuffle machines.

Tallyfins said:
Another question - the "pitch" games you are referring. Does that mean that with either 1 or 2 decks, they reshuffle after each round of play? Not sure if I understand the "pitch" term.
Pitch is a term used to describe cards held in the dealers hand while dealing. i.e. The dealer "pitches" the cards to the players. (and sometimes completely off the table :)) Some single deck games are reshuffled after every had... Stay away from these. (especially any game that only pays 6:5). Double deck games are also usually pitch games and are usually dealt until 50 to 75% percent of the cards are used. Then reshuffled.

Tallyfins said:
I know that's a lot of questions, but I'm trying to figure out all these terms and DEFINITELY appreciate the help. :grin:


No problem.. your next assignment is to learn the rules that make each game good or bad for your playing strategy. It also should be noted that CSMs have a slightly decreased house edge when compared shoe games..
(Basic Strategy is slightly more accurate with CSMs) but the game moves much faster (more hands per hour played)... a side effect not especially good for the Basic Strategy player.
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Thanks for the detailed response Daddybo. That was very helpful and I will definitely make sure I play at the ASM tables if possible. We're heading over to Biloxi next weekend, so I'll give it a go! :joker: It's been a while since I've been able to play blackjack and I'm definitely looking forward to it... know I have one more question :laugh: concerning my "next assignment" What "rules" do I need to learn "that make each game good or bad for your playing strategy"? Just curious if you had a certain site you recommend for playing strategy. Again - I'm comfortable when to hit/stand, DD, split, etc based on what I have vs the dealer, but wanted to see what you meant in addition to that!

Thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Tallyfins said:
Thanks for the detailed response Daddybo. That was very helpful and I will definitely make sure I play at the ASM tables if possible. We're heading over to Biloxi next weekend, so I'll give it a go! :joker: It's been a while since I've been able to play blackjack and I'm definitely looking forward to it... know I have one more question :laugh: concerning my "next assignment" What "rules" do I need to learn "that make each game good or bad for your playing strategy"? Just curious if you had a certain site you recommend for playing strategy. Again - I'm comfortable when to hit/stand, DD, split, etc based on what I have vs the dealer, but wanted to see what you meant in addition to that!

Thanks again,

I was referring to game rules. Such as "Dealer Hits Soft 17" or "Dealer Stands Soft 17... Ace splitting rules etc. Doubling Rules, Number of decks, Blackjack payouts ( Whether 6:5 or 3:2 etc ) ... All of these vary from casino to casino and effect the house edge on the game.

Below is a Calcualtor from Qfit's site that will give you an idea which are benefecial and which are not.

As far as playing strategy.. that's one you have to figure out for yourself. :) an Individual's strategy is usually based on skill level and knowledge of the game.


Well-Known Member
Tallyfins said: know I have one more question :laugh: concerning my "next assignment" What "rules" do I need to learn "that make each game good or bad for your playing strategy"? Just curious if you had a certain site you recommend for playing strategy. Again - I'm comfortable when to hit/stand, DD, split, etc based on what I have vs the dealer, but wanted to see what you meant in addition to that!

Thanks again,

I'm quite sure that everyone here will agree with this: Go to and read everything he says about blackjack.
ADD this site to your "favorites", it's almost a "Bible" site for gamblers.

P.S. The best buffet in Mississippi, and maybe in the whole U.S.; is at the Imperial Palace on the Biloxi back bay.