do u play well when u r tired?


Well-Known Member
I know with poker I am worse if I have been up for a while, but I am thinking with blackjack since it's so mathematically rigorous and objective this doesn't really matter. There is not a lot of creativity etc. involved in my game. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I agree that it is much more dangerous to play tired in poker but nevertheless you shouldn't play BJ when you're tired either since there's a greater chance of you making a mistake or miscounting.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
I Do, Yawn!

I play well when I am tired, well I am always tired!:joker::whip:

Seriously, when traveling to a casino destination one does need to play as much as possible provided fatigue does not negatively interfere with play! The big danger is of course over betting trying to chase losses!:joker::whip:

We can all get so fatigued that our play can deteriorate.
The trick is to know thyself and stop short of that!:joker::whip:

Probably experience will help with knowing when to stop.


Well-Known Member
I think being tired affects simple, mechanical exercises more.

While this isn't a perfect analogy, which is more likely, fall asleep while driving or while cliff diving?

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Deviant Behavior, Anywhere Anytime!

I have fallen asleep in mid sentence while talking on the phone, while standing and while playing bj.

I won't tell the bj story!:joker::whip:


Active Member
Once when I was extremely tired, about 3am, I said the count out loud. I remember the RC was +12 and I literally said "plus twelve" out loud. I think my face went blood red with embarrassment when I realized what I had said. :eek:


Well-Known Member

Someone else told me when he was playing tired, and someone asked him what the burn card was, he said "-2".


Well-Known Member
johndoe said:
Someone else told me when he was playing tired, and someone asked him what the burn card was, he said "-2".
Why are you telling everyone my secret? After a 20+ hour session with only 1/2 hr break you begin to put a card tag on everything you see....

Full glass of beer +1..... empty glass -1...

Box cars +4..... snake eyes -4...

but to answer the OP...

If your playing with a group of friends/full table/etc. and your tired then the games going so slow you may not think it's affecting your game but it will slow down your response time and may even make you think you saw a 3 instead of an 8.

If you're like me and prefer fast to lightning fast dealers heads up or with 1-2 other players than being tired will greatly impact your game.

There's a chance you'll lose the count, switch the negative count to positive, slow your calculations down, possibly make math errors, you get the picture.

Every playing error substantially impacts your win rate. It's tough enough to play a perfect winning game when your wide awake, what makes you think you'll play a perfect game with one eye closed and the other on it's way to follow?


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Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry so much about whether you're tired or not, but when the cards get tired you don't stand a chance! :eek:
The primary reason I don't want to play tired is the physical and mental health risks that come from lack of sleep. It makes one overeat, for one. And I get sleep deprivation psychosis, which means I will lose my communication skills and become unable to discern verbal & non-verbal cues (such as heat) and could even have a violent outburst.


Well-Known Member
I will play on when moderately fatigued if I feel I can still play without errors. However, when on trips I usually sleep 8-9 hours a night, eat 3 good meals and have company around for social interaction. With all of those factors, I can usually get 12 hours a day in.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Fatigue and Session Results

If you are modertly tired and up then stop, winning should help you relax. If modertly tired and slightly behind then see if you can catch up in a shoe or two. If you catch up then again easy relaxation. If modertly tired and way behind best to probably stop so you don't steam while exhausted. :joker::whip:
moo321 said:
I will play on when moderately fatigued if I feel I can still play without errors. However, when on trips I usually sleep 8-9 hours a night, eat 3 good meals and have company around for social interaction. With all of those factors, I can usually get 12 hours a day in.
Yes I'll play on exactly the same schedule.

On driving BJ trips I'll bring a girya with me and take her out for a swing too, nothing like a nice snatch to keep everything in balance! :cool:


Active Member
12 hours a day seems insane! How about time spent getting from casino to casino? I assume you're not counting those minutes in your play time?

It's quite rare that I'm able to get in 12 hours in a day. You must be playing shoe games where you can sit for a pretty long time before leaving? I can't imagine you're on double deck playing that many hours. Am I right? Or am I missing something here? I assume you're playing green, not black?

Please share the secret to being able to put in 12 hours of actual play time. Congratulations to you! :toast:


Well-Known Member
I keep 4-5 cases of redbull in my basement, and one in my car, to keep me awake for the early am hour. I also keep 4 can in my motorcycle.

Those 5 hour energy shots work way better though.

Eventually, i stop playing, to rest, theres no need to force yourself to play, the casinos are open 24/7, so unless there happens to be an awesome dealer, or some out of the norm event you will be missing, i just get a hotel, or crash in my car befopre playing the next day

I dont play when im tired since one time when playing heads up in "turbo mode" while tired, i double 9vs8, i coudlnt stop the dealer before the card came. I now opt for sleep, or things that keep me awake.
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Well-Known Member
WestCoast21 said:
12 hours a day seems insane! How about time spent getting from casino to casino? I assume you're not counting those minutes in your play time?

It's quite rare that I'm able to get in 12 hours in a day. You must be playing shoe games where you can sit for a pretty long time before leaving? I can't imagine you're on double deck playing that many hours. Am I right? Or am I missing something here? I assume you're playing green, not black?

Please share the secret to being able to put in 12 hours of actual play time. Congratulations to you! :toast:
I play a lot of games that are... low heat. So I don't worry about playing 3 or 4 hours at a time.

As far as travel time goes, I walk really fast, and don't always cash in chips until the end of a trip. Honestly, the best way to tell if someone is a pro is to see how fast they walk in a casino. I've picked out poker pros and one card counter based on this observation.

If you're in AC or Vegas, just walk the boarwalk or the strip, back count an hour at each place, and keep moving and you should be able to get a good 8 hours a days in without trouble.


Well-Known Member
moo321 said:
I play a lot of games that are... low heat. So I don't worry about playing 3 or 4 hours at a time.

As far as travel time goes, I walk really fast, and don't always cash in chips until the end of a trip. Honestly, the best way to tell if someone is a pro is to see how fast they walk in a casino. I've picked out poker pros and one card counter based on this observation.

If you're in AC or Vegas, just walk the boarwalk or the strip, back count an hour at each place, and keep moving and you should be able to get a good 8 hours a days in without trouble.
gee moo... you don't have tell about walking fast. :whip:


Well-Known Member
Meistro said:
I know with poker I am worse if I have been up for a while, but I am thinking with blackjack since it's so mathematically rigorous and objective this doesn't really matter. There is not a lot of creativity etc. involved in my game. What do you think?
When I get sleepy it ruins my act, I can't be so bubbly, upbeat and giggly. Which is part of the personae I play. So it makes that part hard. Also it doesn't help I am new and so counting can take a lot out of me fast! It is like I have a tiny sand timer next to me, just so long before I can't keep going or I totally funk the count up. :)

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
Experience Builds Endurance.

Koseao said:
When I get sleepy it ruins my act, I can't be so bubbly, upbeat and giggly. Which is part of the personae I play. So it makes that part hard. Also it doesn't help I am new and so counting can take a lot out of me fast! It is like I have a tiny sand timer next to me, just so long before I can't keep going or I totally funk the count up. :)
Endurance will come with time.:joker::whip:
How have the cards been since the rough outing?