a blast from the past
KOLAN said:
thanks again KOLAN. i got my book
No Need To Count by Leon B. Dubey Jr. in the mail a few days ago.
two hundred and eight pages and lmao essentially his system is summed up in twenty five words. well i haven't read the whole book yet so maybe he has some other significant things to say that i just haven't gotten to yet. what ever his stuff is more geared to single deck where you already might have a small advantage anyway, lol, but he claims it can be used against multiple deck as well with less of an advantage. anyway kind of interesting to see what people were thinking about the game twenty nine years ago or so. a book written by a for real 'rocket scientist' of the Apollo strain, how about that?
so but anyway the link you provided :
of Arnold Snyder's mentions that as far back as 1978, Dr. John Gwynn and Professor Armand Seri found similar qualitative situational findings from computer studies. the thing is Snyder mentions that Gwynn and Seri found that after a push the players advantage is significantly reduced while Dubey claims the players advantage is significantly increased after a push.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows who is correct on the push issue?

oh, and i was pleasantly surprised that Dubey mentioned a 'leaning' approach that could be used with his system. a technique not unlike what Fred Renzey writes about in Blackjack Bluebook II for counting 'babies' on page 93, not to mention my 'fuzzy count', what ever the heck that is.
edit: ahh, i see, upon closer reading Dubey distinguishes between push's that are composed of four cards between the dealer and you (no advantage) and push's that are composed of more than four cards between you and the dealer (advantage in this case).