Does anyone here prefer AC to Vegas?


Well-Known Member
Just curious. I've never been to either, but of course I've read plenty of posts regarding the difference in conditions.

So is there anyone who, if the driving distance was equal, would head East instead of West?


Well-Known Member
It's not just the BJ conditions,its everything about the two cities. Vegas is a gambling city with great nitelife and good mostly cheap food.
Atlantic City is a small city that has gambling.It does have the Boardwalk and the Ocean,but that only is good 4 or 5 months a year.
I live 110 miles from AC but hit Vegas more often these days.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
It's not just the BJ conditions,its everything about the two cities. Vegas is a gambling city with great nitelife and good mostly cheap food.
Atlantic City is a small city that has gambling.It does have the Boardwalk and the Ocean,but that only is good 4 or 5 months a year.
I live 110 miles from AC but hit Vegas more often these days.
So what went wrong with AC? Weren't they trying to make it the Vegas of the East Coast?
SPX said:
Just curious. I've never been to either, but of course I've read plenty of posts regarding the difference in conditions.

So is there anyone who, if the driving distance was equal, would head East instead of West?
If the driving distance was equal, I wouldn't be driving!

AC is one of the worst BJ venues in the country. Las Vegas is among the better ones, but not the best, unless you are playing full-time.


Well-Known Member
Vegas gets my vote...heading back in April. :joker: Better variety if you ask me, especially downtown.

good luck


Well-Known Member
SPX said:
So what went wrong with AC? Weren't they trying to make it the Vegas of the East Coast?
AC was a summer resort that went to seed in the late 1960s.Gambling was supposed to bring it back.For many years,the casinos did nothing to help out the town. People drove thru poverty stricken neighborhoods ,gambled and left.95% of the town was blighted,with most casino workers commuting from other towns.
In the late 1990s,Harrahs took the iniative of buying up vacant land and building hundreds of townhouses that they offered to casino employees at subsidized rates. Harrahs and Ballys teamed up to invest in two large retail centers,designed to bring non-casino tourists into the city.
One of the biggest problems with AC is the local government.Believe it or not,the majority of its members the last few years are either in jail,awaiting trial or on the run. It's not really a city,either.Casino workers just about outnumber the residents,and more people visit every day than live there.


Well-Known Member
Only reason I prefer AC is it's close. If you're looking at it from a financial perspective (EV) you have to add in travel time, time away from your real job, etc.

One other thing to consider is they can't throw you out of a casino in AC. They can make play difficult (half shoe, restrict max bets, etc.) but you can come back the next shift, or even an hour later, after a wardrobe change, right where you left off.

AC has some grand plans over the next 4-5 year with 4 megacasinos to be built. It will be interesting to see if they improve the game or not. Currently their revenues are down because of slots opening in PA and NY. From my simplistic point of view, it would make sense for them to market table games more, as there's no way to compete with slots within 10 miles of Phila and NYC.


Well-Known Member
I agree they need to market their table games more, especially with the competition in PA. Hopefully they realize that a more attractive game will bring more players in, and in the long run, a lower house advantage will translate into higher returns. Actually, I'm hanging on the the hope of one of the new places bringing in a nice double deck game.