Does the Casino Give you Big Comps When you Turn In Cheaters?


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Good Evening Everyone, If Lets say I seen someone Past Posting at BLACKJACK, If I Alert the Casino and Advise them to "Check The Film" Will they give me big Comps?

P.S. I have NOT seen anyone do this, Ive heard from a friend he did this and was Rewarded BIG, Im just wondering if he could be telling the truth.

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Carmine782 said:
First of all, Im Not Talking about Card Counting, Because I dont think thats cheating, If Lets say I seen someone Past Posting at BLACKJACK, If I Alert the Casino and Advise them to "Check The Film" Will they give me big Comps?

P.S. I have NOT seen anyone do this, Ive heard from a friend he did this and was Rewarded BIG, Im just wondering if he could be telling the truth.

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No! Christ no, don't even think about it. If you see a cheater, just get the hell out of there (only on a negative count, of course!) Nothing good can come of it. Casinos reward players for exactly one thing, which is being a loser. If you rat on a cheat you will incur both the wrath of the cheat and his accomplices, and the suspicion of the casino.


Well-Known Member
Ok Thanks! I never seen anyone do it, Im just was wondering because my friend , well hes not really a friend, just a person I know and spoke with said "IF you really want to make money, turn in cheats" I guess he was lying.
Carmine782 said:
Ok Thanks! I never seen anyone do it, Im just was wondering because my friend , well hes not really a friend, just a person I know and spoke with said "IF you really want to make money, turn in cheats" I guess he was lying.
yup sounds like he was lying, and narcing is wrong, unless you are dealing with a real crime, and i tell you, stealing from a place that preys on addicted gamblers and could care less about anything else, is not a crime in my book.. im guessing if you asked for a reward, they would look at you like "wow, what a narc" and maybe offer you something worth $10, because remember, they are not robots, the pc are real people, and real people dont like narcs.. i would only narc for $100+, and im poor as hell


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Automatic Monkey said:
No! Christ no, don't even think about it. If you see a cheater, just get the hell out of there (only on a negative count, of course!) Nothing good can come of it. Casinos reward players for exactly one thing, which is being a loser. If you rat on a cheat you will incur both the wrath of the cheat and his accomplices, and the suspicion of the casino.
a real old dude sitting at first base, was sliding black under green as the dealer got to third base (and couldnt see him real well) on his winning hands. I said nothing, just minded my own business. this went on for 45 minutes-an hour. he must have cleared a 3 grand, got up, and left. I was thinking security would show up or something. the old geezer walked right over to the cage, cashed out, and left.

Initially, my head is going off like the fourth of july... surveillance must have called in sick! nobody is watching! then i figure security wouldnt be so nice to me if I got caught.
Brutus said:
a real old dude sitting at first base, was sliding black under green as the dealer got to third base (and couldnt see him real well) on his winning hands. I said nothing, just minded my own business. this went on for 45 minutes-an hour. he must have cleared a 3 grand, got up, and left. I was thinking security would show up or something. the old geezer walked right over to the cage, cashed out, and left.

Initially, my head is going off like the fourth of july... surveillance must have called in sick! nobody is watching! then i figure security wouldnt be so nice to me if I got caught.
surveillance isnt what you think, according to many books i have read, and what i have been told by the majestic star when i had my wallet stolen.. they are not watching every table (not to say its not being recorded) 24/7 and reading dates off of dimes and seeing if som1 has clipped their fingernails.. it varies by casino tho.. majestic star told me they only have cameras on the tables, and a couple cameras watching the floor, but they are not good quality and some parts of the casino are never watched unless they are told to pan over there


Well-Known Member
Personally, I would never turn someone in who was cheating against the house. I would leave the table, but I wouldn't turn them in. Casinos deserve it.


Well-Known Member
i personally take AM's advice in this situation and that is "get the hell out of there." you really don't want to be anywhere near a cheat when you are playing because if they get caught everyone at the table will be a "person of interest."

turning in a cheat will only arouse suspicion in YOU. the casino isn't going to put you on the payroll....


Carmine782 said:
Good Evening Everyone, If Lets say I seen someone Past Posting at BLACKJACK, If I Alert the Casino and Advise them to "Check The Film" Will they give me big Comps?

P.S. I have NOT seen anyone do this, Ive heard from a friend he did this and was Rewarded BIG, Im just wondering if he could be telling the truth.

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I would turn in your mother if I thought it would help. Why not? :)
Mimosine said:
i personally take AM's advice in this situation and that is "get the hell out of there." you really don't want to be anywhere near a cheat when you are playing because if they get caught everyone at the table will be a "person of interest."

turning in a cheat will only arouse suspicion in YOU. the casino isn't going to put you on the payroll....
thats true.. nothing good can come of it, only bad (no matter how small a chance, its still negative)

Brock Windsor

Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
yup sounds like he was lying, and narcing is wrong, unless you are dealing with a real crime, and i tell you, stealing from a place that preys on addicted gamblers and could care less about anything else, is not a crime in my book..
It is a crime in the criminal code of Canada (Sec 209) and any jurisdiction I know of where gambling houses are legal...that's the book that counts.
If someone was marking cards, I'd take advantage of the info he was providing but bet-capping or're asking to get caught eventually. Not all security are in uniforms and if anyone is suspicious, all they have to do is check the tape.


Well-Known Member
dangerous area

Brock Windsor said:
It is a crime in the criminal code of Canada (Sec 209) and any jurisdiction I know of where gambling houses are legal...that's the book that counts.
If someone was marking cards, I'd take advantage of the info he was providing but bet-capping or're asking to get caught eventually. Not all security are in uniforms and if anyone is suspicious, all they have to do is check the tape.
You say that if someone was marking cards, you would take advantage of the information.
You run into a gray area here where though the burden of proof should be on the prosecution, though you might get off, it all still will not be worth it if you are arrested.
The casino line is you are the partner of the guy marking the cards and are as guilty as he is because you are using the illegal information that he has provided for you. Perhaps a reveiw of your play will show a pattern of hits, stays and doubles that indicate knowledge of the next card coming.
As someone who will look for a weak dealer and then play with the knowledge of that dealer's hole card, I have always needed to feel that their was no way the casino could make the claim that I was partners with that dealer, yet still I know that claim might be made someday.
I have bolted from tables when a dealer was so obvious that I thought he may have something against his casino or was trolling for big tokes, it was just not worth it.

My advice to you is that if you do see someone mark cards, leave that table. If you played a little while with that information, made some money, then my advice is leave that casino completely.



Well-Known Member
I've actually told on someone who was NOT cheating. She was the only proficient counter in my casino that I have ever seen, and at the time there were only two good tables at any one time. Needless to say, the town was not big enough for the two of us, and once when I was getting a bit of heat I told a pit booss I know well that I thought I saw that girl bet cap, but I wasn't sure. Ha Ha, got the heat off me and they were staring her down for a long time.

Later I came to terms with her... after realizing that she was an excellent counter I used her to my advantage, watching her spread bets while I was at a different table, and jumping in her table when she raised. It pissed her off but she never did the same to me. Hey, this is BJ... you have to find the advantage any way that you can.


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ortango said:
Needless to say, the town was not big enough for the two of us, and once when I was getting a bit of heat I told a pit booss I know well that I thought I saw that girl bet cap, but I wasn't sure. Ha Ha, got the heat off me and they were staring her down for a long time.
Survival of the fittest vs. karma. Tough choice. :confused:


Well-Known Member
The point of being a AP player is to be social, but also to be sort of "clueless", "go lucky" when it comes to the game if you want longevity. I would never rat anyone out simply because I dont want them to know that i know anything.....Just move tables. I dont know if i would leave the casino, that would be obvious too. Take a break to get something to eat...even if you arent hungry, good excuse to have to cash your chips out, but you arent leaving the premises so you probably arent suspicious.


Well-Known Member
Hey ortango, good to see you post again.
ortango said:
I've actually told on someone who was NOT cheating.
But damn, that's cold. :) At least you sent them on a goose chase about bet capping rather than narc on her for counting, sounds like she wasn't kicked out immediately?