Does this strategy work?


New Member
I played out of vegas. about an hour outside. Table limits are 200 6D, DoA, H17, Sp anything as many times. Double after split. 1 card split A's.

Now I bet table limit, 3 hands, and quit when I won about 1,000. usually bought in 1k to start and a few k more IF need. No counting just pure basic strat was used. Made about 50k. Was I playing the odds to win or was it in my favor?


Well-Known Member
Ooo, What a Lucky Man He Was

Colde86 said:
I played out of vegas. about an hour outside. Table limits are 200 6D, DoA, H17, Sp anything as many times. Double after split. 1 card split A's.

Now I bet table limit, 3 hands, and quit when I won about 1,000. usually bought in 1k to start and a few k more IF need. No counting just pure basic strat was used. Made about 50k. Was I playing the odds to win or was it in my favor?
It was in your favor, bro. Congrats. :)

Now hang on to that 50K for awhile, hang out here and read everything you can. Learn from the best here and in a couple of months you can go back out there and really kick some @$$. Believe it. :cool:


New Member
lol just out of curiosity there any math behind it? I got backed off from there too. Fing pissed me off. I got kicked outta terribles almost a year ago. I always left a winner, 10-50 bucks, then it became 50-100, soo I was pulling the 200x3 and I named it Clean Sweeps. The dealers had an attitude, would say things like "your not going to tip?" HELL NO IM NOT. anyways Im on here reading just finally registered. ty for the quick reply too :)


Well-Known Member

Colde86 said:
lol just out of curiosity there any math behind it? I got backed off from there too. Fing pissed me off. I got kicked outta terribles almost a year ago. I always left a winner, 10-50 bucks, then it became 50-100, soo I was pulling the 200x3 and I named it Clean Sweeps. The dealers had an attitude, would say things like "your not going to tip?" HELL NO IM NOT. anyways Im on here reading just finally registered. ty for the quick reply too :)
We've got math guys galore on here who can answer that better than I can.

Sit on that $50K for awhile and learn to count and spread your bets properly. You have an awesome bankroll to play with and you could really do some damage.


Well-Known Member
Colde86 said:
No counting just pure basic strat was used...Was I playing the odds to win or was it in my favor?
Why would you think that the house does not have the advantage? If they were dealing a game that gave ordinary players an advantage they wouldn't be in business very long. Of course the odds were against you. You got lucky.


Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Seconded. If you have $50K for a potential BR, let the bank make you a little interest on it while you're studying up. By the time you're ready, you'll have a pretty cool BR to work with.


New Member
hey Sonny, Good you read this. When I first had started. I figured sure they got the 1/2 point from he start BUT when the going gets good I hit them 3 to 1if not harder since the doubles and splits. One hand I remember I had 11 bets out against their 1. They had a 6 showing and i had some lucky splitting and doubling. $2200 in one shot against thier one had is a good play right? That's where I made the money. I also quit when I made like $1k or a lil bit. some people work for 1K very 2 weeks, I was doing it in minutes. Why get greedy. Anyways I am interested in the math behind my advantage or disadvantage when I was playing. They gave a great game, except it was 6D. DOA,DAS, 3-2BJ, 1 card S A's. For the most part you cant ask for more. Bad dealers, I got paid on a few pushes too lol.


New Member
Oh I forgot. I didn't change the bet size. I stayed @ table limit the whole time. $200. At times I would go down to 2 or even 1 hand to change the sequence of the cards. But other then that nothing different. One time they watched me come back 6k in the hole off of $100 bucks. After that and another big come back they backed me off. I guess chance goes both ways?


Well-Known Member
I don't get why people get such a kick out of making fake posts.

Ban this guy and lock the thread.


New Member
fake thread lol, how about f u? i have a ledger which i kept track of win n loss, and my win loss statement from the 1 casino that gave it to me, wanna PM me ill give ya the names of the casinos. otherwise til you grow up stfu.


Well-Known Member
Colde86 said:
Anyways I am interested in the math behind my advantage or disadvantage when I was playing.
That's easy. Your disadvantage is equal to the house edge. Your strategy does not give you any advantage at all. You should expect to lose at the same rate as any other player.



New Member
well I don't know. I won consistently. Everyday for about a month. Hit them and always walk when ahead. Never got greedy and my goal to make was 1k. I usually had the table to myself but played when others did as well. I loved it usually did great from the shuffle. Was just looking to break even til I got a good shoe then bam. O sorry I wasnt trying to be rude on my last post, but its all very true. I read BJ your way to riches by Richard Allen Canfield. Learned basic from there.

@ Sonny Well I figured (correct me if I am wrong) playing 3 hands and I needed 2-3 to make 200 bucks. sometimes I win all three sometimes he does. I pull ahead big time when I split double and all that stuff. IE 11 bets against his 1 hand. ( btw if you think I won that hand I lost it. 6 showing, 4 in the hole A for the kill. the pit was worried shitless lemme tell you.)


Well-Known Member
Colde86 said:
well I don't know. I won consistently. Everyday for about a month. Hit them and always walk when ahead. Never got greedy and my goal to make was 1k. I usually had the table to myself but played when others did as well. I loved it usually did great from the shuffle. Was just looking to break even til I got a good shoe then bam. ....
what was your strategy for when you were losing or for the case where you were losing?


New Member
When the shoe went bad I played until I was in 5k, I would take breaks use the bathroom so they reshuffle. As we all know .5% against ya rather then w/e the % was when I got up. Kinda like a reset you know. They had a shuffle master, I caught it dealing stiffs to me with a 10 showing for the house. I tossed in my bad play there and it worked out in my favor. I stayed on course because after 7 bad shoes all it takes is 1 good shoe to turn things to your favor.

They knew I had a restaurant and I honestly feel their greed got the best of them. I was backed off from there around 30k ish. I played in Vegas after that. Silverton has HORRIBLE pen, on DD about 1D if that. So I toned it down and now I hit small places like hacienda on the way out of NV. 15-30m of quick play and Im happy.

Ps if my B/I C/O ledger can help determine anything I'll gladly post it or sent it in email. Thanks guys love talking to people who share similar interests.


Well-Known Member
All you're doing is leaving when you get a fluctuation you're way and really only playing the short term. You're still at a disadvantage, but it just takes a while for them to get all of your money if you're playing basic strategy. So inevitably there's going to be times where you win more hands than you lose and that's when you take off. It's always smart to leave when you're ahead.

The one thing I would watch out for is you may hit a streak of cards where you lose like 12-13 hands out of 15 right off the bat and you can be down in the thousands. It happens. If you're goal is just to play until you win a few hands and then bail, it can work if you have a bankroll for when you get hammered. Also, you have to leave in the middle of shoes once you hit you're amount. That way you take the long run advantage they have away. You're playing such high stakes that all you need to do is win a few hands and you're at your mark.


Well-Known Member
Colde86 said:
Anyways I am interested in the math behind my advantage or disadvantage when I was playing. ..
Well, I'm just gonna maybe assume that you know you are playing a -EV game and accept that the HE is your disadvantage.

I'm gonna assume what you really mean by asking about the math stuff is you want to know just how lucky you were in finishing 250 $200 units ahead over some (as yet unspecified lol) amount of rounds.

I can't even speculate why a casino would ban a guy like you. Yes I can, they are stupid lol. Write them a thank-you note for prohibiting you from losing more money in the future :)

The math can't account for being paid on pushes (unless you can re-state expected results on those rounds). The math gets more complicated when sometimes betting 1 round with 1 hand at $200 and sometimes 2 hands in 1 round with $200 on each hand and sometimes 3 hands at $200 and ideally would like to know how often each occurred.

This is the way of the world - you finish +2SD in a -EV game, you are an idiot for playing a -EV game in the first place and don't deserve such luck. You finish +2SD in a +EV game, you are regarded as some kind of smart guy, somehow more deserving of the exact same "luck".

Like Lady Luck knows whether you are voodoo or AP, poor or rich, male or female, black or white, stupid or smart, and somehow will visit a +2SD event more often on one group than another.

I have no idea why your post should be locked or banned or have any reason whatsoever to think your stated results are fake.

Unless you tell me stuff like you've played 3 or 400 hundred thousand rounds at $200 for 3 spots and are still $50K ahead and are therefore on the cusp of being Kissed by the Hand of God and Shot in the Ass with Luck.

Even then, I wouldn't disbelieve you but, you know, just in case it matters, could I still come out to your house and touch you on the voodoo (is it really?) assumption luck rubs off?


New Member
well, heres an example of a session. i took a friend there for lunch sine they were paying for everything. they had just finished shuffling their cards to open. i laid out 1k BI and 3x200. A, A, A, d shows 6. 4, 7, 6. double stand double. Dealer shows 6, 10, 10 bust. I just hit them for 1k in less then a minute and they JUST opened. so I took my lunch and that was my day. Hit n Run.

Now I would play 3 hands and on bad runs to get the cards to change drop down and do those other tactics mentioned to get the card sequence to change.

Now I have moved on from all this form of play. I am proficient @ SD with running count to vary bets and basic. Its actually how I started the bankroll. I can convert to an exact count but I am still practicing the varied expert strategy. My biggest hindrance is that I cant play where I live so there's no incentive to practice as much as I used to. I still have a few decks by the comp and a mini poker chip set I use tho. :)

IMHO I would open a casino and give great rules and such to get people playing. I still think casinos have it backwards. Server great food, clean rooms, awesome service and people will come. Dont be greedy. When people play and have a fair shake @ their money more people will play and you just skim off the top. But I guess the casinos have all grown so large that there's one on every corner so they fight so hard to keep that 1 dollar.


New Member
LOL sure, come on out here. Ill direct you the the casino too. I say hit them hard, and where it hurts. This prick doesn't care about this property anymore. Hes too interested in the M hint hint. He let ti go to the bank to cover the M as I am told. I would totally buy it as it has the potential to make ALOT of money in this town.

I honestly believe I was backed off due to all the money he was pouring into the M. I think he didn't wanna investigate it and just told them to back me off. Funny thing is if they would have lowered the limits to say 100 vs 200, to give them more time to drain my cash I would have just cut my goal down in half.

Terribles gave me the boot due to coming in and doing the 3x200 and cashing out 600-1200 bucks in 5 mins. Always on a fresh shoe. 1/2 against me that can be made up in cards dealt or the splitting then doubling plays. Tho if you ask them about the boot it's related to the poker room, which they are wrong as well since I should have knocked the dealer and that shift manager out. I got the SM back tho, he came to eat @ my joint I made the food then kicked him out lol. Prick what goes around comes right back to ya.

Ok Good Morning enuff ranting, BBL


Well-Known Member
"Now I would play 3 hands and on bad runs to get the cards to change drop down and do those other tactics mentioned to get the card sequence to change."

Make sure not to interrupt the sacred flow of the cards :rolleyes: Do you actually believe in changing the card sequence?