Don't loathe the plop!


I enjoy the scorn for the ploppy as much as the next person but I never forget that, indirectly, he (with his pitiful play) pays for my winnings!


Well-Known Member
In poker, we don't tap the glass because it disturbs the fish. If the worst player at the table leaves, that hurts everyone since we win money directly from the other players. But blackjack is banked by the house, so one ploppy leaving won't directly hurt us. But if there's a whale at the table playing badly, you want him to stay. They're unlikely to back off a counter betting smaller on average than the whale at the same table, because the whale might leave and never return if he thinks they'll kick him out for winning. The counter wins less than the whale loses.
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Well-Known Member
I don't care how others play, but I hate it when they yell at me for the way I play. You all know what I mean, hitting that 12 vs. 2, hitting soft 18 vs. 9, splitting 9's. I've learned to ignore them, but I still don't like it when they yell at me for making those supid plays.


SecurityRisk said:
I don't care how others play, but I hate it when they yell at me for the way I play. You all know what I mean, hitting that 12 vs. 2, hitting soft 18 vs. 9, splitting 9's. I've learned to ignore them, but I still don't like it when they yell at me for making those supid plays.
It's even more annoying when they tell you what you should do - like "you should never hit 12s against a 2". Then you get a T and they proudly say "see? i told you"... I've been so close to responding "do you know how f**** high the count has to be to stand on a 12 against a 2 you stupid cretin?"


New Member
Only time I got mad at a ploppie was when I was already having a bad night, put $15 of my last $30 on the table, got an 11, doubled to go all-in. Guy saw I was all in, dealer had an 8 showing. Guy laughs, flips over his cards (DD) and splits his 20. Pulls a 7 and a 9, stays on both. Dealer flips a 15 and draws a 3. Flip my double card and I get a 5. Dealer would have busted, he would have won and I would have doubled what I had left if he hadnt had played like an idiot. Kinda funny now that I think back on it, but I was :flame: at the time
alwayssplitaces said:
In poker, we don't tap the glass because it disturbs the fish. If the worst player at the table leaves, that hurts everyone since we win money directly from the other players. But blackjack is banked by the house, so one ploppy leaving won't directly hurt us. But if there's a whale at the table playing badly, you want him to stay. They're unlikely to back off a counter betting smaller on average than the whale at the same table, because the whale might leave and never return if he thinks they'll kick him out for winning. The counter wins less than the whale loses.
Until about a year ago I was a huge basic strategy losing player, and casinos have never had an issue with backing off a counter at my table. It's happened 4 times that I recall: once at Caesar's Palace, once at Monte Carlo, once at Aria, and once in Reno at the Eldorado. In fact at Aria, they sent a group of people over to back the guy off, and one of the idiots they sent, loud enough for me to hear, pointed at me and said "What about him?" as I was plopping down $5K-$10K bets. Then they just left, with no apologies for interrupting my game or being rude. On average, this guy was betting far less than I was (though it was a $500 minimum table).

In short, they don't care about pissing off high rolling losing players...don't think that by sitting down at a game with one that you're any less likely to be backed off. In fact, I'd say the odds are higher because of the increased heat on these games.
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Thry are cool, and fun to play with, and if they are about to make a move that you would prefer they not, kindly suggest to them not to, even buy their bet.

The problem starts when they think they can start to abuse an AP. Not:cool:

Eye of the Tiger said:
Why were the posts edited in this thread. Nothing but the facts was brought out about the claims he made. It smelled funny you have to agree.
Up until a year ago I could afford to play at those levels. I haven't been able to over this last year. I'm not broke, but can't do $500K trips anymore. I still like the game though, and still play at high stakes relative to most people. It's that simple. I abandoned the idea of bringing in investors for that offer the moment I got the first reply.

Also, earlier in my gambling career before I started doing larger trips, I had nights where I started off playing $100 per hand and ended the night playing $10,000 per hand. You don't always have to start with millions to play $5K and $10K hands. I've had multiple 6 figure runs beginning with low four-figure buyins. Over time I've given it all back, but the point is that not everyone you see playing $10K/hand has a multi-million dollar credit line. As a card counter you would never have an experience like that since you're always staying in a specific betting range and are often betting as little as possible. But for those crazy enough to press their bets up, it does happen and when it does it isn't a made-up story....people get lucky sometimes.
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Well-Known Member

parsifal said:
I enjoy the scorn for the ploppy as much as the next person but I never forget that, indirectly, he (with his pitiful play) pays for my winnings!
...and not even -just- ploppies, but even 'APs' who overbet their bankrolls and get taken out by variance keep the casinos rich so that they decide having a blackjack game with favorable rules (to the player, of course) is better for business than boosting the HE with an ungodly 6:5 BJ payout or something else like that. Most card counters won't make it against the establishment, so ploppies feeding themselves to your source of money is one of those wonderfully-horrible things where you win because of them and they lose because of themselves.