Don't move your lips!


Well-Known Member
Probably looking to move up the food chain

Preston said:
I concur. The dealer that started the thread is an idiot. Although he does make points about game protection, I think he needs to get off his high horse.

He has NO idea what other play this rookie counter does. I don't know about you guys... but I have developed a fondness for craps. So what do I do? I make $$ at the blackjack table and then make my way over to the craps table.. where there are times I give it all back. Am I cheating the house? no. but I ain't exactly donating now am I?

I think the guy who said the line "good luck with your vigilante dealing" put it better than anything else.

I am FRIENDS with a lot of dealers at my home casino. I go out drinking with them now too. I'm also on a first name basis with a good number of pit bosses. .. I think by talking to them and befriending them I've knocked out a lot of the heat factor... also by the fact that I toke small amounts frequently. It might hurt my ROR a bit but I doubt I'll be backed off anytime soon.

Also the fact that I don't show my players card at the blackjack table as often. Normally I'll show it when I start my craps session... and then of course whenever I take a random $20 and put it into slots or VP.
First off Preston, when you have a home casino that you frequent often, I agree with your method of play there (except for the slots and craps). Toking a little and befriending dealers and pits will give you longevity. I have befriended casino general managers and casino managers in the past and felt no heat at these places. Warning though, things do change and a management change might end your playing days someday but just understand that this can happen and enjoy your longevity as long as it lasts.

Now the dealer who started that thread sounds like a dealer who has plans for move up into management someday. Instead of doing his job at the table and then informing his pit that he suspects a counter, he has taken it upon himself to use countermeasures that are contrary to his usual procedure.
If the casino says deal out 4.5 decks, a dealer is not supposed to question this or alter it on his own. If he deals only 3 decks and then hand shuffles, someone is going to note that the casino lost an opportunity to make more money because he shuffled too often. An even more devious thought would be the dealer making a section of the shoe very heavy in aces and faces, the player (partner with the dealer) cutting that section so it will play early in the shoe and then cutting off most of the rest of the shoe so they do not have to play the section with mostly small cards and can do the same again shortly. What if some casino exec decides this is why he half shoed the guy?

This dealer needs to learn that lesson one in trying to move up the casino food chain is following procedure and the instructions of your boss and not going out on your own to be some kind of casino "hero."



Well-Known Member
Preston said:
I make $$ at the blackjack table and then make my way over to the craps table.. where there are times I give it all back.
Sadly for me, it was the opposite way around in my latest trip to AC. :(


Well-Known Member
Last time I was in Vegas, I made $$ at the blackjack table and then make my way over to the gentleman's clubs.. where I give it all back.

Oddly enough though, I enjoyed losing the money.



New Member
I'm a dealer. I cant stand people that work the tables and think that they have to try and penalize card counters.Screw the casinos, they pay me to slap plastic and thats it. Good luck to the card counters, i'm one myself. If you have put in the time and effort to learn card counting then you deserve to win, and why not the casinos have an edge over you every other time, you're just giving them a taste of their own medicine.
vanhampton said:
I'm a dealer. I cant stand people that work the tables and think that they have to try and penalize card counters.Screw the casinos, they pay me to slap plastic and thats it. Good luck to the card counters, i'm one myself. If you have put in the time and effort to learn card counting then you deserve to win, and why not the casinos have an edge over you every other time, you're just giving them a taste of their own medicine.
what incentives to dealers have to report card counters? i asked this question to a dealer who was playing vp next to me, and he told me that card counters usually dont tip, and they will do anything they can to get non-tippers off the tables, and do anything they can to keep big tippers.. other than that, what incentive do you have? i dont see why you cant flat out tell the dealer your counting (which i do, nothing happens), because why the hell do they care?


Well-Known Member
vanhampton said:
Screw the casinos, they pay me to slap plastic and thats it. Good luck to the card counters, i'm one myself.
God bless you, sir.

Out of curiosity, do you ever keep the count while you're dealing, just out of curiosity or boredom?