Don't Tell Me It Doesn't Work or It's Illegal


This may sound like spam so I won't give the details of where I bought it but let me tell you I found a card counting computer that works, probably better than counting, but certainly easier and faster and it gives the true count at the touch of a button which no other device I've found does. Now I know all of you card counting purists will say it's illegal and unnecessary. I've researched the legality and found that only 9 out of 29 states that have gambling have laws against electronic devices. Canada and the UK have no such laws, so there are a huge amount of casinos where you can play legally. I haven't researched the rest of the world but I'm guessing that most venues have no laws against electronic devices.

Don't tell me they don't work. Some may not and some are barely marginal but this one works.

I've been a successful card counter for over 30 years and have never had the success simply counting that I've had with this device. If you're interested in checking it out PM me and I'll tell you where to find it.


Well-Known Member
If all it does is count cards then it isn't worth much against multiple deck games. If it can track shuffles or sequence then PM me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you want something that counts cards there is an iphone app for what, 99 cents?


Well-Known Member

Sounds like the ole' Black Magic box. (you know.. predicts the hole card etc..)


Well-Known Member
I think most everyone here knows better than to take legal advice from someone on a forum.


Well-Known Member
I suspect that one of the great features of the device is that, once the user is arrested for using it, it can be switched to play solitaire from the jail cell :)


Well-Known Member
The iPhone appl' is FAR superior as you can use Level Two counts.

This foot operated computer costs $1,000 and just uses Hi-Lo

In any case, I hold that this SHOULD be illegal everywhere.

I M O, possession of such a device while playing in a casino should be a felony.

Can you spell UNETHICAL ?


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
The iPhone appl' is FAR superior as you can use Level Two counts.

This foot operated computer costs $1,000 and just uses Hi-Lo

In any case, I hold that this SHOULD be illegal everywhere.

I M O, possession of such a device while playing in a casino should be a felony.

Can you spell UNETHICAL ?
I agree. It is nothing more than cheating.


Well-Known Member
irobinson said:
I agree. It is nothing more than cheating.
Not only that, but it takes all the fun out of it. Any bozo can operate a machine to do this, but it takes some skill to do it with just one's mind...


Well-Known Member
StandardDeviant said:
Not only that, but it takes all the fun out of it. Any bozo can operate a machine to do this, but it takes some skill to do it with just one's mind...
Right. It would take the fun out of the game. It would become a slot machine where other people are involved.


Well-Known Member
FLASH1296 said:
The iPhone appl' is FAR superior as you can use Level Two counts.
Unless it has been changed, it doesn't calc TC correctly. It ignores neutral cards.


Well-Known Member
QFIT said:
Unless it has been changed, it doesn't calc TC correctly. It ignores neutral cards.
That's insane. I can't believe they'd go through all that trouble and get something that simple totally wrong. Idiots.


Well-Known Member
eci555 said:
Canada and the UK have no such laws, so there are a huge amount of casinos where you can play legally. I haven't researched the rest of the world but I'm guessing that most venues have no laws against electronic devices.
Apparently you haven't researched Canada very well. Gambling legislation is provincial, not federal in Canada. While I'm not saying that the unit is illegal, it would have to be approved by the Alberta Gaming and Liquor Commission.

From the AGLC Casino Terms & Conditions and Operating Guidelines...

1.20.1 A casino facility licensee shall not allow computers in any area of a casino facility unless prior approval has been received from the AGLC.
1.20.2 Only equipment and/or gaming apparatus approved in writing by the AGLC may be utilized in a casino facility.


Well-Known Member
Big deal

I still dont get it if all this thing does is count cards whats so special, I can count cards i dont need a computer to do that. The real good computers that are used for cheating actually tell you exactly what play to make based on the count and the cards you have in front of you and the dealers card... I have seen devices online that look like a car door lock remote that counts cards, you simnply press one button for +1 and a different button for -1 and then there is a button that you press that give you whatever the total is,it was only like $100.00, i mean its basically a freakin calculator. I have also seen more advanced ones which you can put in the amount of decks at any time and get a true count if you cant do that part with your mind either. This all doesnt seem worth risking getting cought counting perhaps searched and being cought with a computer, i would rather use my mind anyways i think it would be faster and more covienent then pushing a button for each card that comes out. Also i am assuming you would keep it in your poket when you are using it and it delivers some sort of vibration against your leg to deliever the count to you or something all that aside my question is, What happens if you mess up say you hit the wrong button? because its in your pocket and cant tell which is which or miss count the vibrations against your leg or whatever. What do you do then? is there a button to go back a couple cards or something like that because if for some reason you did screw up and couldnt fix the problem on the fly then that whole shoe which could have been very profitable is now worth absolute ****, or even worse if you mess up and dont relize it then your going to be making the wrong bets at the wrong count and also wrong plays which go according to the count if your using index numbers like the IL18 or whatever, that alone can drastically ruin any small advantage you might have gained and make you lose any money you potentially could have put in your pocket. It just seems foolish counting only gives you a small advantage when done perfectly add in a good list of index numbers and you can squeeze a little bit more out of it, but if you screw up even a few times that could really throw a monkey wrench into your whole operation. I just think in the end the thing would cause more problems then it is worth and seeing as how this is a card counting forum i assume most of us can count cards so why go and do something silly likr use a computer to do it for you when it could potentially screw up the couple percent of advantage we get out of the casino by doing what we do...
I could see it now guy hits the -1 button thinking hes hitting the +1 button the count drops through the floor enough to make your butthole pucker and here is joe shmoo computer guy tossing out 3 hands of table max licking his lips, 5 hands later after the dealer has pulled a few 5 card 21s hes stting there broke wondering why his computer isnt working right :cry::cry::cry:and how come hes not having champagne fall from the heavens like the add on the website promised him LOL:laugh::laugh::laugh:


Well-Known Member
eci555 said:
Don't tell me they don't work. Some may not and some are barely marginal but this one works.
So what? As with so much discussed in this forum, it's about risk and return.

RISK = getting caught and at best barred (86'd or whatever) and at worst serving time for committing an indictable offence.

RETURN = does nothing a MK 1 braincell, in conjunction with a MK 1 eyeball, cannot achieve with a little practice. So nothing to be gained by using it.

For info, it is not unlawful to use something like this in a casino in the UK, but you can be sure if you get caught your visiting casino days will be over.

My advice to anyone asking would be not to bother. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
newb99 said:
So what? As with so much discussed in this forum, it's about risk and return.

RISK = getting caught and at best barred (86'd or whatever) and at worst serving time for committing an indictable offence.

RETURN = does nothing a MK 1 braincell, in conjunction with a MK 1 eyeball, cannot achieve with a little practice. So nothing to be gained by using it.

For info, it is not unlawful to use something like this in a casino in the UK, but you can be sure if you get caught your visiting casino days will be over.

My advice to anyone asking would be not to bother. Sorry.
And it is not honorable play. I like the "10 commandments of gambling" on Wizard of Odd's website.