Double Winning Hands by Leaving Tables


Vancura and Fuchs in Knock-Out Blackjack say that a player can double his winning hands just by keeping track of the count, and when (for a 6-deck game, for example) the count is -22 after one deck or -17 after two decks, etc., the player should just get up and find another table, thereby avoiding playing out a bad shoe and all those losing hands. Does that sound right to you?


Staff member
When I get back home, I'll have to find the specific reference so I'll know how the KO guys phrase this. It is definitely true that leaving really bad counts will save you money, but I don't know what they're trying to say about doubling your winning hands. That sounds like a huge exaggeration of the effect, so I think there's some confusion about their statement.


Double Winning Hands


It's on p. 120 of the soft cover edition: "The proper use of an exit strategy will nearly double your win-rate per hand." They talk about this for a page or two, and I figure I probably am missing something in the discussion. It sounds too easy the way I'm reading it now.


Well-Known Member
Suppose you're playing at a 1% advantage, and bet $1000 at an average of $10 per hand. So you win $10. Doubling your win rate would mean you win $20, or one extra hand. Not at all the same as winning twice as many hands.


Double Win Rate Per Hand

The way I read this, that is exactly what they're saying: you can almost double the number of hands you win. If all they're talking about is how much I win per hand, then that's a whole other deal. That sounds more believable, though, than doubling the number of hands you win.


Well-Known Member
"The proper use of an exit strategy will nearly double your win-rate per hand."

"If all they're talking about is how much I win per hand, then that's a whole other deal."

Yup, win-rate per hand. Enlightenment will strike you............................NOW!