Easy Count System


New Member
I've been practising on casino verte with the reko count but find it diffecult to concentrate and keep the count accurate enough however i can do the ace five count much easier but need a good proven betting strategy for it . Has a good optimal betting strategy been developed for the ace five count ?


Well-Known Member
The A-5 count is terribly weak. You have almost no chance of being a longterm winner. Keep practicing and soon you will find yourself catching speed. When you are cancelling 2-4 card groups your speed will improve significantly.


Well-Known Member
Braveheart said:
I've been practising on casino verte with the reko count but find it diffecult to concentrate and keep the count accurate enough however i can do the ace five count much easier but need a good proven betting strategy for it . Has a good optimal betting strategy been developed for the ace five count ?
Why not just count one-eyed jacks?


Well-Known Member
Braveheart said:
I've been practising on casino verte with the reko count but find it diffecult to concentrate and keep the count accurate enough however i can do the ace five count much easier but need a good proven betting strategy for it . Has a good optimal betting strategy been developed for the ace five count ?
Bet more on the hands you win, less on the hands you lose. Either that, or practice a stronger count until you get good at it.


Well-Known Member
ohbehave said:
SHAD BETTING SYSTEMS DO NOT WORK ..... DUH ..... :whip::whip::grin: ..... WINNING !!!

I have the sims to support mine. Its easy to verify it.
Play ten hands, one hundred hands, one thousand, one million, whatever.
Bet more on the hands you win and less on all the others.
Do the math yourself.


Well-Known Member
Braveheart said:
I've been practising on casino verte with the reko count but find it diffecult to concentrate and keep the count accurate enough however i can do the ace five count much easier but need a good proven betting strategy for it . Has a good optimal betting strategy been developed for the ace five count ?
Not sure what your intetions are, but you may want to start here http://www.blackjackinfo.com/bb/showthread.php?t=14297. I suggest moving on to hi-lo and start out learning your 2 card combos, followed by a running count, before you move on. Then TC conversions>bet spead/strategy>then indices.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
I have the sims to support mine. Its easy to verify it.
Play ten hands, one hundred hands, one thousand, one million, whatever.
Bet more on the hands you win and less on all the others.
Do the math yourself.
How do we know before we bet whether it is a winning/losing hand?


Well-Known Member
Hmm... I guess what you could do after the game has been decided is say "OMG you can see that chick's nipple!" When everybody looks, you switch your two green chips for a green on top of a black :laugh:

But really... Did you think he was serious?


Well-Known Member
You need one of those "slick sticks" in the other thread. It has a notch to tell you when your going to win. :grin::grin:


Well-Known Member
The Ultimate AP Technique Revealed

Well, I was going to keep it a secret... But I guess I can reveal my favorite AP technique with a 100% winrate. I like to call it "Late Wonging". Basically you just bet big, and keep the bet out until you lose. Then you grab all of your chips including your bet, some chips from the tray and/or other people's stacks (a ploppy's money is not their money anyway), and run like hell. Works especially well when combined with the "OMGLATCN" technique. Also a plus if they let you park your motorcycle in the casino :laugh:


Well-Known Member
bjcardcounter said:
How do we know before we bet whether it is a winning/losing hand?

Part One of my strategy is discussed in the free session of my seminar. Part two( the good stuff) is availble only to the people that pay for the VIP portion.
Thank You Tony robbins.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
Bet more on the hands you win, less on the losing ones.
Can it get any less complex?

shadroch said:
Part One of my strategy is discussed in the free session of my seminar. Part two( the good stuff) is availble only to the people that pay for the VIP portion.
Thank You Tony robbins.
Seems this is your favorite quote. How dumb I am.:eek: