Edge difference between basic strategy and special cases


When the true count changes, you should also change your play away from the basic strategy in some cases. So my question is how mutch of an edge is I'm loosing if I just varying my bets instead of also change strategy while the count goes up and down?

standard toaster

Well-Known Member
Quper said:
When the true count changes, you should also change your play away from the basic strategy in some cases. So my question is how mutch of an edge is I'm loosing if I just varying my bets instead of also change strategy while the count goes up and down?
... i had to read that a few times but your talking about indicies

they give a pretty good edge as they protect your max bets while their out. These deviations will also let you know when its best to insure.

The simplest to learn is the illustrious 18 just do a google search and your on your way


standard toaster said:
... i had to read that a few times but your talking about indicies

they give a pretty good edge as they protect your max bets while their out. These deviations will also let you know when its best to insure.

The simplest to learn is the illustrious 18 just do a google search and your on your way

Sorry for my incompentens of explaining myself. What I ment was if I counting cards and bet big with good count and small with bad count, what would the difference be for me if I only following basic strategy instead of doing things like insure and so on