aslan said:Or (subtitle)---don't be stupid! :whip:
On my 7th outing to AC I won $1,000 playing BJ--hurray! And I put $1,400 in the slots! Stupid! You idiot! Don't you have an ounce of sense! What were you thinking!:whip: Yes, folks! Hanging out at the casinos playing BJ I have become a slot machine addict. This I might add is the first time I didn't hit anything--nada--nothing--not even a $50 payoff!They saw me coming. I might add they always saw me coming, only this time they caught me. So now I am in my own mental half-way house for recovering slot machine addicts.
Words of advice, consolation, or upbraiding will be cheerfully accepted, although if you have something punishing to say about my moronic behavoir, save your breath because I have already said it to myself a thousand times over! :cry: I vow never to play another one-armed bandit--ever! Is this too extreme?
How do you play a little, without getting your nose open? I think abstinence is the best way. What say you?
Don't beat urself up. Guess the good news is BJ is working!
I don't see why u can't spend ur winnings any way u want. Assuming they are net winnings lol.