Electronic BJ beatable?


New Member
Hey guys. From Sydney, Australia just been playing on these Vegas Star Blackjack machines by Shuffle-master inc. lately. Just wondering if any of you guys have any experiences on these machines as I'm sure there are many around the world ( green background , virtual dealer ).

To me these machines seem beatable:
-4 Decks ( labelled on machine not sure if really )
-Dealer stands soft 17
-Double any two
-Split once / No double after split
-Surrender available

and, every once in a while the game pauses between rounds the dealer will grab the "used" deck and reinsert it back into the virtual CSM, this I guess is reshuffling of the deck? The penetration is really random before it shuffles but sometimes it can be very long before it does.

So im assuming Card counting applicable here since a shoe ? If so this is a much better game then local casino (star city, 6 decks , CSM , No surrender etc ) and yeah just wondering on your guys thoughts and opinions.
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Active Member
Neesan said:
Hey guys. From Sydney, Australia just been playing on these Vegas Star Blackjack machines by Shuffle-master inc. lately. Just wondering if any of you guys have any experiences on these machines as I'm sure there are many around the world ( green background , virtual dealer ).

To me these machines seem beatable:
-4 Decks ( labelled on machine not sure if really )
-Dealer stands soft 17
-Double any two
-Split once / No double after split
-Surrender available

and, every once in a while the game pauses between rounds the dealer will grab the "used" deck and reinsert it back into the virtual CSM, this I guess is reshuffling of the deck? The penetration is really random before it shuffles but sometimes it can be very long before it does.

So im assuming Card counting applicable here since a shoe ? If so this is a much better game then local casino (star city, 6 decks , CSM , No surrender etc ) and yeah just wondering on your guys thoughts and opinions.
What is 'very long'? That is the most important thing.

NDAS sucks, but S17 (instead of H17) makes it somewhat playable if you can get 2.5 to 3 decks before reshuffling.

And I don't advise saying where you play, especially in areas with few BJ games.


Well-Known Member
As a flat betting BS player, this is better than the real BJ games offered on the main floors of nearly all Australian casinos! However, I doubt it's countable. Does it actually show a CSM on there, or a discard pile? The Vegas Star BJ in Adelaide is 5 decks, shuffled after every hand. There should be a rules button on the screen somewhere that will list all the rules and should tell you about when it's shuffled.


New Member
To Youk : It varies sometimes Ive seen it get shuffled then next hand dealer reshuffles whereas others it can go on for about 20-30 hands Id say the penetration can sometimes be decent. Although i have noticed the deck being shuffled when count gets real high ( maybe im just superstitious )

To AussiePlayer: haha fellow australian eh? any ways yea i havnt had a chance to properly read the rules but machine is labelled 4 decks of 52, regards to the shuffling there is an on screen discard pile and a CSM and once while the dealer will pick up the discard pile and reinsert back into CSM. I was thinking game was countable as it isnt shuffled after every hand like the machines in Adelaide
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Well-Known Member
Tried to sim it in CVCX with 50% pen, but it won't let me go that low. Max cut-off for 4 decks in CVCX is 1.5 decks. I doubt it's beatable. Does Sydney have any shoes on the main floor?


Well-Known Member
AussiePlayer said:
As a flat betting BS player, this is better than the real BJ games offered on the main floors of nearly all Australian casinos! However, I doubt it's countable. Does it actually show a CSM on there, or a discard pile? The Vegas Star BJ in Adelaide is 5 decks, shuffled after every hand. There should be a rules button on the screen somewhere that will list all the rules and should tell you about when it's shuffled.

Be careful , I found out at my home casino, they have this machine
with the 2 bigger titted ladies, that the payout isn't like in
a live BJ game.

It's like a slot machine. IMHO about 85%.:whip:

Make longtime notices.



Well-Known Member
Elhombre said:
Be careful , I found out at my home casino, they have this machine
with the 2 bigger titted ladies, that the payout isn't like in
a live BJ game.

It's like a slot machine. IMHO about 85%.:whip:

Make longtime notices.

Good point. Some of these games are legitimate though.