Enough Money


Well-Known Member
Here's something i think about alot.. How much money is enough???
Example would, be say you found a great play at a casino,,, that would make you say 500 dollars an hour... No heat ..no one pays attention....you could play it 24/8..:eek::laugh:
How many day, hrs, would you play it?
At my age i'm questioning how much money i need versus how much i really want to enjoy my days with my wife, my friends, my loved ones, my g/friend. My hobbies are very important to me,,,MX, fishing, vacations out west to the mountains, farming...etc.
I feel i am running out of time!!!!! So if you could put together a quick half million would you quit, or would you quit after million...or what is the number..
I suspect this is age dependent at least in my case....15 years ago i worked "play" 20 hrs a day for 2 years on and off.. Towards the end it was making me puke even though i was making exceptional money..
But now after hitting the half century mark i wonder???? I'm sure the "Kids" on this site would and should pound said hypethetical play it into submission. But at fifty or sixty or yikes 70 years young ?????
Or lets adjust the number to say 2000.00 a day for a 15 hr day.....Time vs money????
Or maybe there is just a number of dollars that would make you happy...how much time would you put in to get it??
I dont know guys ....... just a thought that keeps rolling around in my head ....more and more as life flows by:rolleyes::rolleyes:



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
At my age i'm questioning how much money i need versus how much i really want to enjoy my days with my wife, my friends, my loved ones, my g/friend.

In all honesty though, money will not buy you happiness. If you're playing for a living, consider playing for a living until you can retire. that # may be 2 million, it may be 3 million. It depends on a lot of factors. But never forget the things you enjoy as they are more precious than $ and you won't be able to enjoy them as much once you get up there in age.


Well-Known Member
Thunder said:

In all honesty though, money will not buy you happiness. If you're playing for a living, consider playing for a living until you can retire. that # may be 2 million, it may be 3 million. It depends on a lot of factors. But never forget the things you enjoy as they are more precious than $ and you won't be able to enjoy them as much once you get up there in age.
That's EXACTLY the point of this post.. I is happy!!!!! Ergo...how much more money is needed :laugh: It's the ole fun vs age vs time vs family vs money vs quality of life vs????????? .
Wow your quick Thunder :whip: JOKE on the g/friend....After 30 plus years with my lovely bride...she's like my favorite pair of jeans.. i just keep patching her up and.....:eek:



Well-Known Member
I think happiness is spiritual:

"...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:11-13)

Ultimately, I think you're on the right track that it's not about how much money you have.


Well-Known Member
The simple answer would be to play it until you'd accumilated enough money that the interest earned on your money equaled the daily expected rate of return. Thats not very realistic though.


Well-Known Member
Hum...how much money? good question. :rolleyes: I think we all get into this thinking big money. Right now I think I am in a pretty good place. I make a decent amount for me, without killing myself. I have enough to live comfortably in a reasonably nice place (by my standards) and still enjoy life somewhat. If I were to make much more than this or make this amount with fewer hours, I would probably only get into trouble at this stage of my life. :laugh:

I did have to rearrange my life and relocate to get to this point though which was tough to do, so I am still in the process of building new friendships and trying to sustain older long distant friendships and find a 'balance' in life, for which I think I briefly got away from. :eek:

Ok....maybe just a hair more money. lol
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Well-Known Member
Good thing we're all comfortable with gambling here!

How much money is enough?

Shadroch gave the simple, but as he said, probably unrealistic, answer.

Unfortunately, the more complicated answers involve…………… gambling! :eek:

On how long you are going to live.


Well-Known Member
Retire, tell me where the game is, and I will send you a check in the mail for 50 dollars a day haha.

But in all seriousness all you need is enough money to do what you want to do for the rest of your life.

Mr. T

Well-Known Member
The simple answer is you have enough when you don't have to worry about it

Machinist said:
Here's something i think about alot.. How much money is enough???
Example would, be say you found a great play at a casino,,, that would make you say 500 dollars an hour... No heat ..no one pays attention....you could play it 24/8..:eek::laugh:
How many day, hrs, would you play it?
At my age i'm questioning how much money i need versus how much i really want to enjoy my days with my wife, my friends, my loved ones, my g/friend. My hobbies are very important to me,,,MX, fishing, vacations out west to the mountains, farming...etc.
I feel i am running out of time!!!!! So if you could put together a quick half million would you quit, or would you quit after million...or what is the number..
I suspect this is age dependent at least in my case....15 years ago i worked "play" 20 hrs a day for 2 years on and off.. Towards the end it was making me puke even though i was making exceptional money..
But now after hitting the half century mark i wonder???? I'm sure the "Kids" on this site would and should pound said hypethetical play it into submission. But at fifty or sixty or yikes 70 years young ?????
Or lets adjust the number to say 2000.00 a day for a 15 hr day.....Time vs money????
Or maybe there is just a number of dollars that would make you happy...how much time would you put in to get it??
I dont know guys ....... just a thought that keeps rolling around in my head ....more and more as life flows by:rolleyes::rolleyes:

It is definately age related. When I was young man it was to make as much money and as fast as I can, say be a millionare by 20.
Now that I am some years past your reflective 50 I feel that I am lucky not to have to worry or even think about it. That is not to say I am a rich man and have zillion of dollars. I don't. It is just that I have a modest lifestyle. For some people money is never enough even if they are millionares. I don't think they have their piorities right.
What is more important to me is how I want to live my life. Money don't buy you happiness. I have seen people retire early have lots of money and others sell out their business and have tons of money. Yet they then live their life aimlessly and get bored stiff with nothing to do all day long. I know on the other side of the fence this was their dream. Work hard and retire with lots of money.
I believe you must have a focus in life. Whether it is hobby, business or work to past the hours of the day. Otherwise the hours become endlessly long every day.
So financial independance is very important. You have to work at it first. And it is measured not in the number of dollars. Pay more attention on how you want to live your life. And before I forget. The most important thing. Live a Happy Life.
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Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
Here's something i think about alot.. How much money is enough???
Example would, be say you found a great play at a casino,,, that would make you say 500 dollars an hour... No heat ..no one pays attention....you could play it 24/8..:eek::laugh:
How many day, hrs, would you play it?
At my age i'm questioning how much money i need versus how much i really want to enjoy my days with my wife, my friends, my loved ones, my g/friend. My hobbies are very important to me,,,MX, fishing, vacations out west to the mountains, farming...etc.
I feel i am running out of time!!!!! So if you could put together a quick half million would you quit, or would you quit after million...or what is the number..
I suspect this is age dependent at least in my case....15 years ago i worked "play" 20 hrs a day for 2 years on and off.. Towards the end it was making me puke even though i was making exceptional money..
But now after hitting the half century mark i wonder???? I'm sure the "Kids" on this site would and should pound said hypethetical play it into submission. But at fifty or sixty or yikes 70 years young ?????
Or lets adjust the number to say 2000.00 a day for a 15 hr day.....Time vs money????
Or maybe there is just a number of dollars that would make you happy...how much time would you put in to get it??
I dont know guys ....... just a thought that keeps rolling around in my head ....more and more as life flows by:rolleyes::rolleyes:

errhh, happy birthday!:)
i dunno how much, whatever you've seen me writing down every nickle, oops, every penny in and every cent out, no? all that goes in excel, a budget that never seems to end up as expected. and now you got me keeping a record of value sorta stuff, heck you're the one got me worrying about hundredths of a cent or whatever, lol . so but, anyway you can have a history of what your lifestyle costs sorta thing. that can help project for the future, with some speculation as far as what inflation might do to you over so many years of life expectancy.
so once you have a handle on that stuff to where it looks likely you can make it without work then you can just do stuff for the sport of it sorta thing. we are all have our own ways, me i get a kick out of making a bit of money when the heck it fits my fancy, now that i'm retired. me, when i was working i pushed as hard as i could, crap there were days i went at it 24 hours, or even sixteen hours work, then went to casinos and tried to pull in some more, lol.
heck yer the guy who just likes to breath air, hell that's free!:p
no easy answer i'm afraid, 'to thine own heart be true'. if anyone can figure it out, i'm sure you can.


Active Member
Play until you have: [Annual Expenses] / 0.04

Then money becomes irrelevant because you're financially independent. This assumes you can make 4% net of fees, inflation, and taxes by investing (which I think is reasonable).

[Annual Expenses] / 0.03 would allow you invest a bit safer and still be fine.

Edit: Oh and the real key is to not succumb to lifestyle inflation afterwards...
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Well-Known Member

Machinist, have you found a game or situation that pays you 500 dollars an hour?

I remember you posting a while ago that you and a friend or brother found a situation that was so good you played tremendous hours and went for a long vacation afterwards. Im just curious.
I guess just play until you get burnt out but only you can really decide what you want.



Well-Known Member

MeWin$ said:
Machinist, have you found a game or situation that pays you 500 dollars an hour?

I remember you posting a while ago that you and a friend or brother found a situation that was so good you played tremendous hours and went for a long vacation afterwards. Im just curious.
I guess just play until you get burnt out but only you can really decide what you want.

MMMMMmmm have i or have it not... If i had ....you think i would be chatting on this board??? Now the whole thought of this post was hypethetical....whatever the numbers may be...... I like to get a sense of what kind of people ,,, regulars and the new ...that visit this site and their daily thoughts....What makes people tick.
Very interesting so far....Down to earth human beings, mostly thinking along my thoughts.
Understand i'm not having issues..........it's just those random thoughts that run through our brains. I was just wondering if and what other people thought of money.
Yes ...that was me and a brother that had a nice run on a "Play" years ago. We got puking sick of it... But today is today... and i am closer to tomorrow and someday there will be no tomorrow...at least on this planet....(I think):eek:
And don't think for a moment i'm not having fun with life.:laugh::laugh:
Also there is a possibility that the Sagefr0g has affected my thought processes a little:whip:


Well-Known Member
500 / hr and using 2000 working hours a year is 1,000,000 dollars a year.

Boring times counting that whole while.


Well-Known Member
How much?

This question was posed to some of the richest men in the world at one time or another. The industrialist J.P. Morgan was asked how much is enough his reply" just a little more". This question transends occupational boundaries but the answer lies within another question. How much of your precious time that you have left on this earth are you willing to devote to accquiring more? I know one thing for sure that you cannot buy more time here so use what time you have wisely since it may come to an end sooner then one thinks.


Well-Known Member
shadroch said:
The simple answer would be to play it until you'd accumilated enough money that the interest earned on your money equaled the daily expected rate of return. Thats not very realistic though.
I like that answer Shad. Quick calculations reveal the necessary capital to be in the vicinity of $15 million, which is somewhat - but not totally - unrealistic. It would take about 20 years of playing every day. Add time off for weekends, holidays, a few sick days, and family reunions and we're looking at closer to 30 years.

But for a 25 year old, it sure beats the hell out of most 401ks.