Enough Money


Well-Known Member
blackchipjim said:
This question was posed to some of the richest men in the world at one time or another. The industrialist J.P. Morgan was asked how much is enough his reply" just a little more". This question transends occupational boundaries but the answer lies within another question. How much of your precious time that you have left on this earth are you willing to devote to accquiring more? I know one thing for sure that you cannot buy more time here so use what time you have wisely since it may come to an end sooner then one thinks.
I think you hit the nail on the head Blackchipjim,,,,,time on this earth vs living. I also have attended a couple funerals that shouldn't have been. Their days ended long ago. :(
And Shad and Pelerus nice points....Never thought of it that way. Money has never been a huge deal for me and the wife. We live very simple lives. She enjoys animals, and i enjoy her enjoying her animals. So life is good,,, but,,,it became much better when my AP world took off. I had to put in alot of hours away..sometimes far away. But when we look at those days of past it was worth it. Before those days was construction, i also was gone , but not far away. But aquiring any wealth during my construction days was hard for the hours spent.
I guess the answer is to bring the wife along...or fly her in for a few days at a time.
It is true that money cant buy happiness ......but it sure can ease the burden of poorness (is that a word:laugh:).
Maybe it boils down to ... you can take the boy away from the farm , but you can't take the farm out of the boy. So once an AP .....always an AP???? Possibly with a little more moderation later in life.
Well ....the wife went to work .. I guess i should pack and get ready to hit the road for my work. Ga. is hot as hell right now!!!! I need to find some airconditioning with a nice fat "Play". :rolleyes::rolleyes: Really fat!!!!
500 an hr. hmmmmmmm.:laugh::laugh:



Well-Known Member
Machinist said:
We all can't have a cushy job like you Homey..:whip::whip:

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: I WISH!! ........ I think I put in more than enough hours to deserve my meager salary.....

I either have money OR time, never both...... :p
