London Colin
Well-Known Member
Thanks, Gronbog. I concur with all of the above, but in truth that's just a good summary of all the points that have been made multiple times already within this thread.gronbog said:Ok, I have re-read the articles at the links that Colin provided. The first link very clearly points out the flaw in the formula that the EV of switching would be
1/2(2A) + 1/2(A/2) = 5/4(A).
The flaw is that the first term is correct only when A is the smaller amount and the second term is correct only when A is the larger amount. That is, two different values of A are assumed within the same formula.
The correct approach is to realize that the envelopes contain the amounts x and 2x and that, if you are holding the envelope with the smaller amount, you gain x by switching (you go from x to 2x) and if you are holding the envelope with the larger amount, you lose x by switching (you go from 2x to x). So the EV of switching is (1/2)x - (1/2)x = 0.
Furthermore, the EV of each envelope is actually (x + 2x) / 2 = (3/2)x.
Colin is correct when he said that opening one envelope changes nothing. Replacing A by 100 in the flawed formula above changes nothing. So I stand corrected again (thanks Colin). Even if you open your envelope and find 100, there is no value in switching.
It's some of the other stuff within those articles that I feel has the potential to shine greater light on the nature of this paradox, but the details of which still leave me feeling like I haven't fully understood.gronbog said:The article provides several other solutions, but the above is the simplest one.
Specifically, it's the way they both tackle the case when one envelope is opened.
It seems to me that your summary shows us an algebraic proof of what we intuitively already know - with no information on which to base a switching decision, there is nothing to be gained from switching. Having proved that for the general case (X, 2X), it's obviously true for any specific case we can think of.
The problem arises when we do think of a specific case and then try to 'walk through' the mechanics of what is going on. The paradox jumps out and bites us on the bum! (With Meistro cheering it on! )
The two papers tackle this in different ways -
The wonderfully named Panagiotis Tsikogiannopoulos actually goes through exactly the example Meistro chose, and says -
Which is all well and good, but, even though he uses the phrase 'Let’s clarify the need to weigh in case of exchanging envelopes...', I don't find the justification for that step entirely clear (other than the fact that it leads us to what we already know to be the right answer).Suppose that both players see that the envelope of player A contains 100 euros and let's see a correct calculation using only numeric values. Once we know the amount of 100 euros, we conclude that the other envelope can contain either 50 or 200 euros. There are now two equally possible events for the two fixed amounts that the game is played with:
Event 1: Amounts of 100 and 200 euros
Event 2: Amounts of 50 and 100 euros
As we pointed out in the Introduction, the players will have to assign equal probabilities to these two events. In every variation of two fixed amounts where one of them is revealed, the players will have to weigh the return derived from each event with the average fixed amount by which the game is played in this event. In Event 1, player A will have a profit of 100 euros by exchanging his envelope whereas in Event 2 will have a loss of 50 euros. The average fixed amount in Event 1 is 150 euros while in Event 2 is 75 euros.
The formula of expected return in the case of exchange for player A that summarizes the above remarks is the following:
E(A) = 1/2 (+100/150) + 1/2(-50/75) = 0 E (1.3.1)
Similarly, player B will apply the following formula and will come to the result:
E(A) = 1/2 (-100/150) + 1/2(+50/75) = 0 E (1.3.2)
We notice that we have concluded as expected to the same result as of the Variation 1.1, i.e. that the exchange of envelopes is indifferent for both players.
Let’s clarify the need to weigh in case of exchanging envelopes: In the Event 1, the player who will switch the amount of 100 euros with the amount of 200 euros will have a profit of 100 euros in a game that shares 300 euros in total. So we can say that this player played the game with a success factor of 100 euros / 300 euros = +1/3. Similarly, the other player played the game with a success factor of -1/3. In the Event 2, the player who will switch the amount of 50 euros with the amount of 100 euros will have a profit of 50 euros in a game that shares 150 euros in total. This player played the game with a success factor of +1/3 also and his opponent with a success factor of -1/3 also.
In reality, when a player sees that his envelope contains 100 euros, he doesn’t know whether he is in the game of the Event 1 or in the game of the Event 2. If he is in the Event 1 and switches he will have a success factor of +1/3 whereas if he is in the Event 2 and switches he will have a success factor of -1/3. As we mentioned above, these two events are considered to have equal probability of 1/2 to occur, so the total success factor of player A considering both possible events is zero. This means that the decision of a player to switch or not switch his envelope is indifferent, even when he makes his calculations based on the amount of money that is revealed to him. We used this reasoning in formulas (1.3.1) and (1.3.2) with the only difference that instead of the total amount we used the average fixed amount which is more appropriate.
If instead of player A’s envelope it was player B’s envelope that would be opened, then all that would have changed in the above calculations is that player B would have to apply the formula (1.3.1) and player A would have to apply the formula (1.3.2).
Post was too long. Splitting in two ....