MangoJ said:
This fixed strategy approach is quite convenient to calculate and a good and fast approximation, it is not exact as claimed by MGP (in terms of "optimal").
The reason is, that cards drawn for the first hand are not just "burned" cards with respect to the second hand. Burned cards are unknown to the player, clearly this is not the case for a split.
With knowledge of the card drawn on the first hand, playing efficiency can be improved on the second hand, and thus leads to an increase in EV for the second hand (27.60% +/- 0.37%) - which is quite substantial (at least for 22vs6).
To compute this EV increase on the second hand due to improved playing efficiency, one needs to cycle to all standing (or busting) first hands, and for each of those hands compute exact EV of the second hand played afterwards, with condition that the drawn cards on first hand are removed from the deck. This approach (which squares the afford of computation!) would indeed deserve the label "exact".
It's funny that you're trying to redine the word "exact" and even then have no idea what you're talking about. Optimal has NOTHING to do with EXACT. These are issues Cacarulo and I and others settled 8 years ago. These are not Griffin's calculations, these are actually correct.
First of all, both Ken Smith was kind enough to brute force the "EXACT" ev's of split hands to confirm Cacarulo and my work. These are not "good and fast approximations". The numbers apply to a fixed strategy which is something that you are not using despite you first say you are and then immediately say your not.
What you are talking about involves changing the strategy, which as Don would be quick to point out if he was reading this thread, is NOT basic strategy. If you're talking about optimal play then that's something else and the calculations to do that would require brute force to get an EXACT number.
London explained it very well. These are issues we also discussed ad nauseum years ago. My CA will calculate any user defined strategy, the TD strategy, the 2C strategy, the NCard strategy, and fixed CD strategy with fixed strategies. It will also estimate optimal play by taking into account various types of cards removed allowing for some strategy changes but as London pointed out and Don always loved to point out - no one plays that way.
LOL nightspirit, I forgot about that one - I think that's one of my first on the issue after I got my burn-cards working for infinite decks. After that Cacarulo and I emailed back and forth until we nailed it down. Cacarulo got them first by a hair and then I got them with a different method.
London, Eric would be the first to admit he uses an approximation. If you fixed things properly then hopefully you can match the BJA3 numbers for SPL1-3 on 6D or even SPL2 on one deck. Splits can be calculated exactly recursively as k_c and Cacarulo can attest.
London Colin said:
The EV is a weighted sum of all the possibilities - two hands with one additional 2 removed, three hands with two additional 2s removed, four hands with 3 additional 2s removed.
There are more shoe states than just these for splits > SPL1 which is why this alone won't work. There was a post about bringing it all together that elucidates the various shoe states you need. It turns out Eric's shoe state combinations matched the brute force calculation he did but both sets give the correct values.
Nice job assume_r and that's how fast it should be. You should be calculating the entire basic strategy and all 3 split ev's in less than 30s for any number of decks. T Hopper has by far the fastest ca and can do the whole thing in under a second!
Now if you want your ca to catch up to mine, then you can add hand analysis (i.e. detailed ev's for any hand), double hand analysis (ev's for each card in a double), user defined strategies, any number of generic and fixed bonus rules including suited(allowing games like Spanish 21, Superfun 21), player-dealer push variations, NCard strategies, redoubling, surrender any number, double down rescue, realtime optimal play, eor calculations, user defined decks, exporting values to Excel, busted bet splist, saving of strategies, etc.