EX. CAA (I need a copy!)


Well-Known Member
Are they not selling it on the website anymore?

(Dead link: http://www.beyondcounting.com/cart/products.html)



Well-Known Member
Nope. Ordered a copy 3 weeks ago, and just got an e-mail that my purchase was refunded as there are no copies available at this time.


Well-Known Member
"Thank you for your interest and recent order for one copy of our book, Exhibit CAA. Because we are unable to fill the order at this time, we have refunded your credit card ending in *******. We apologize for any inconvenience, and will keep you on our emailing list for possible future offerings. Feel free to join our Web forum at http://www.beyondcounting.com (Archive copy)!

Natalija, South Side Advantage Press"



They will not sell it to just anyone anymore

For instance, if they suspect you are connected to a casino, you are not entitled to a copy. Not saying this is you, but just as an example.

It could be that they really do not have many copies available. But the above considerations are also in affect. Therefore, anyone who gives a copy to someone who cannot get one on his own is doing a diservice to the community. Sorry. Book sales are not their primary motive.


Well-Known Member
I think handymn hit the nail on the head (bedum-dum-ching!). Before anyone PMs BMDD, they should probably PM me first. By the way, I frown upon resales, resellers, beards, fake email addresses, and those who take their complaints to another board. These are not positive-EV moves, believe me.


New Member
I could hook you up with a copy to borrow. I'll be in your area tonight, so if you catch me I can give it to you by then.


New Member
Didn't see Exhibit's posting before making mine. Although I chatted with him online shortly afterward. No big deal.


Well-Known Member
NightStalker said:
and may fall under the violation..
PS: I also need a copy, where to buy it?
Lending a book to someone else is NOT a violation nor is it unethical. If it were, there would be no such thing as a public library.


Well-Known Member
ExhibitCAA said:
I frown upon ..... beards
My beard takes exception to that and suggests that you may not be able to grow such a full and bountyful wonder of facial hair. :p
