blackchipjim said:
OK I'll bite. Explain to me and I'm sure others here what's your angle Mr.Exgriffin Man? There are obviously only so many people that were and are presently employed by the Griffin agency. You have far superior knowledge base of how you catch us rabbits so why are you here? Hound dogs can put on rabbit suits but they are still hound dogs. I don't expect you to disclose your identity or facts that could lead to obvious conclusions but why hang with the rabbits other than to glean information that under any other guise an ap's guard would flag you.:devil:
Let me ask you this, Jim, if someone just wanted to get a lot of information about how counters think and operate, then why wouldn't he simply peruse the archives of Forum threads which are abounding in such information. This leads to the conclusion that Exgriffinman is either who he represents himself to be, or that he is after particular bits of information that are not present in the general archives. Therefore, when you talk with him, do not offer any information that you would not post in the general Forum, which everyone and his mother can read. If he does ask pointed questions that you feel uncomfortable in answering, then you might be right, but if it goes the other way, and he is the main giver of information, not us, then why worry? I do not intend to say anything I would not say in the Forum on any given day. With everyone on guard, he's going to have to be an awfully good rabbit catcher. Personally, I think all those Griffin-type people are Elmer Fudds. So let's give the wascal a chance, eh, doc?