along this line of reasoning, let me ask you a question, since you seem to know a lot about Kelly stuff.
well, first off, speaking of betting, Kelly stuff and bank roll, well the roll so far has more than doubled.
the question being, when you are 'properly' betting and making positive EV plays, errrhh well, i dunno, is there some significance to reaching the point where the roll is doubled, far as Kelly theory goes?
seems i've seen a lot of talk about the point where advantage players have doubled their roll, in conjunction with Kelly stuff. can you shed any light on that subject, ie. significance of doubling the bank roll and Kelly stuff?
have anything to do with N0, maybe?

Why talk about doubling bank? Are you retiring? So assuming one is going to play on the risk of drawdown numbers approach the infinite numbers quickly.
Chances of losing % of bank with Kelly resizing:
50% chance of losing 50% of bank with Kelly
80% chance of losing 20% of bank with Kelly
Chances of losing % of bank with 1/4 Kelly:
.08% chance of losing 50% of bank with 1/4 Kelly
21% chance of losing 20% of bank with 1/4 Kelly
Begs the question. Why would anyone play a positive expectation game with an ror? Now, what if one figured the advantage correctly on an unsure game but bet kelly? They face a 50% chance of losing half, if that happens I would think confidence would suffer.
Kelly & N0? Kelly raises N0 by a factor of 9. However betting 1/4 Kelly does not raise N0 greatly though growth suffers.