Excellent Card Counting Article by Scoblete, Really.


Well-Known Member
Very good

I'm going to print that up and hand it out every time I get "the tap!"



Speaking of 'GoldenTouch Craps', btw...

... Stanford Wong gave me a demo the other day in a downtown casino. I do believe that it works. zg


Well-Known Member
what's the advantage?

I plan on buying the book and learning the system, but I am curious what the advantage is? More than 1%?


Well-Known Member
Green Chip?


If you join Green Chip at BJ21.com there is a forum for craps where Stanford post on a regular basis. There is some good info there. There are many variables to figuring the advantage, such as the types of wagers made. Someone that really controls the dice I would think would have an advantage much higher than 1%, but I'm not an expert on the subject.
Seems like it wouldn't take much to get an advantage

If you can bias your roll slightly towards a 7 on come-out, and slightly away from a 7 when rolling for your point it shouldn't be hard to make a profit being the two effects are additive. The fact that the 4 and the 3 are opposite on another on a die is very useful to a dice controller who is capable of spinning the dice around this axis, and I'm predicting that if craps tables start losing hold the casinos will change the orientation of the faces on the dice they use.

That said, reading some of the dice control bumf they seem interested in taking the sucker bets on a craps table and I say- "Why?" If you really can control the dice you can make a ton of money on the Pass line, no reason I can see to assign any of your bankroll to the sucker bets even if you can get up to positive EV on them too. Maybe some of the sucker bets are like BJ sidebets in that they are terrible bets for a BS player but to a counter some of them can have huge EV's. But barring this it would be like playing a 6:5 BJ game when there's a legit DD table with good pen right next to it, just because you can also beat 6:5 isn't a good reason to do it. I'm not saying this to disparage dice control and it's teachers at all because they want to make money selling their books, and this is best done by making it appealing to the muggles as well as the AP-types, just that we should apply the critical eye of the AP to all facets of all games.


Wong told me that he ...

... is "not particulary talented" for such a physical skill and that he beleives his edge lies between 1-2%. Henry Tamburin told me that the "best ones may be exceeding 5%" zg


Well-Known Member
yeah I got a system for slots too

the machines are rigged to tease you with a little
on the first 4 spins then cash out then proceed to do
this on 20 other machines..
I sure haven't tried this much but its a good as any craps system-
dice sliding works often though.