Excessive bids


Active Member
As I get more time in on the tables I have noticed people who shove out large bets for no reason other than to gamble it away. I have seen them needlessly blow thru hundreds and thousands of dollars regardless of the count. Not that I mind but it seems so senseless. I guess it takes the eyes off of me as silently I count away. The pit people have their attention on them. I want to say something to them about their play but I think it is better to keep out of it. What say you guys who see this? Not sure how many hours I got in now but I sure it's over 2000 over the last few years.
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Well-Known Member
bwssr said:
As I get more time in on the tables I have noticed people who shove out large bets for no reason other than to gamble it away. I have seen them needlessly blow thru hundreds and thousands of dollars regardless of the count. Not that I mind but it seems so senseless. I guess it takes the eyes off of me as silently I count away. The pit people have their attention on them. I want to say something to them about their play but I think it is better to keep out of it. What say you guys who see this?
You stay out of it and say nothing. That is in fact showing respect for the people who pay the bills.

Jees, I just noticed I answered a post from Nov 3rd.
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Well-Known Member
BoSox said:
You stay out of it and say nothing. That is in fact showing respect for the people who pay the bills.

Jees, I just noticed I answered a post from Nov 3rd.
Still a good topic. Because stupidity reigns supreme in a casino environment. What is even harder sometimes (v. ignoring ignorant play) is when another ploppy/player at the table asks you how to play their hand pointedly. I try to demur or just answer basic strategy means but even that bothers me, as it makes the dealer pay more attention to you and the table play. I try to defer to the dealer sometimes but then that seems to make it an even more protracted discussion...........LOL
I honestly don't care how much you bid, you just need to remember that every debt needs to be payed so keep that in mind