Exhibit CAA:Beyond Counting

The Book is going for up to $2,499 on Amazon...James Grosjean is as Big as "Jesus Christ Superstar" lolzzz

(Dead link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/0910575177/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&qid=1252483154&sr=8-1&condition=new)


Well-Known Member
Hmm, I'm not sure what info was removed from Beyond Counting. I'll have to read it again. Give me a hint.

I think BC has no value as a collectible, since the book is not THAT rare, and unless a book's author is either famous or dead, there usually isn't much demand. I think the value of either BC or CAA is still the information, which is highly useful to the target audience.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
Out of curiosity, how valuable would CAA be to the semi-clever member of the non-target audience? Say, a card counter with a small bankroll but one that enjoys esoteric knowledge and has an interest in dense, analytical text that would likely reveal a few "secret" techniques after a few reads and interpretations? Still not worth the $$, or maybe? I know I'm not part of the population that would be in a position to reap the maximum benefit from this text, but my curiosity often gets the best of me, sometimes even to the tune of $250. I know there are no salesmen here, so I figure it's safe to ask.


Staff member
Lonesome Gambler said:
enjoys esoteric knowledge and has an interest in dense, analytical text that would likely reveal a few "secret" techniques after a few reads and interpretations?
Worth it.

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
KenSmith said:
Worth it.
Thanks, Ken. That's kind of what I was thinking; I certainly don't expect a text that will say, "here's how you beat xxx..," but if I'm pointed in the right direction and given a few figures to work with, I think I could get some mileage out of this book. Anyone want to part with one for $500?


Well-Known Member
Look like this thread is destined to have someone pay $500 for this book so fine - i'll sell you mine for $500...
ExhibitCAA - I'll be over to buy a fresh copy for $250 just after lonesome coughs up the $500.

Where are all the capitalists on this forum...why talk someone out of buying the book from you for $500 dollars??? lolllllz

Lonesome Gambler

Well-Known Member
A quick note to add to this, now that I've had a chance to do a bit of reading: aside from Exhibit CAA being a pretty impressive and obviously valuable volume, I've noticed one other thing—it's hilarious! Sure, the mathematical discussions and charts are fantastic and will pay for the book many times over if you have the means to use them, but it's a damn entertaining read to boot. Bravo.


Well-Known Member
But a non-obessive on this topic just won't get it. My gf's always asking what i'm laughing at and she never gets the joke lol.



Well-Known Member
Lonesome Gambler said:
A quick note to add to this, now that I've had a chance to do a bit of reading: aside from Exhibit CAA being a pretty impressive and obviously valuable volume, I've noticed one other thing—it's hilarious! Sure, the mathematical discussions and charts are fantastic and will pay for the book many times over if you have the means to use them, but it's a damn entertaining read to boot. Bravo.
JG's "other self" is a standup comedian. :laugh: But seriously folks, I think the first rule of this game we play is maintenance of a sense of humor.


New Member
Matador AP said:
Not all of the material is the same between both books...He left material out from the first book...UNLV library has a copy of Beyond Counting...
Is that why Exhibit CAA has so many bad reviews?


Well-Known Member
You've been reading the wrong reviews if you've been reading bad review. Anyone who knows enough to be considered knows ECAA's worth more than the cover price even if you're not smart enough to work the majority of it out.



Well-Known Member
Oh and i own both the original and the new edition, there is nothing in the original that's not in the new issue.



New Member
RJT said:
You've been reading the wrong reviews if you've been reading bad review. Anyone who knows enough to be considered knows ECAA's worth more than the cover price even if you're not smart enough to work the majority of it out.


There is a rumor that there are two copies of Exhibit CAA, one for accredited APs and another one for anyone without the juicy info.

Maybe this rumor has some truth to it.


Well-Known Member
nikoss said:
There is a rumor that there are two copies of Exhibit CAA, one for accredited APs and another one for anyone without the juicy info.

Maybe this rumor has some truth to it.
Perhaps - or perhaps there are to be more books to follow, some of which will not get public release as JG has stated. If you don't know enough to know for certain, you shouldn't be believing rumors.
