"Fab 4" Blackjack Boards *LINK*

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Good morning and Happy Today (always my favorite day of the week)
My jolly old fingers have been typing again and I have come up with a framed page that will give you access to the "Fab 4" Blackjack Boards on the 'net. I'm sure you will want to put it in your favorites list, or even
make it your home page.



(Dead link: http://www.casinotoronto.ca/bjboards.htm)

You will find that when the page loads BJ21 will ask you for a password. If you have a password just enter it. If not, press cancel and if you wish to join, click in the top right box on the line "click here to sign up free."

Have an Awesome Day!

Rob McGarvey

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
One question, one comment

Nice work.

One question, bj21 has a password protected site, even for their free pages. I hope that people are not accessing it through your password indirectly, that may cause some problems. Have you ok'd this with them?

One comment. I saw your post on rge21 for about 20 minutes. Then it was busted.

Have a nice holiday!


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: One question, one comment

"Nice work.


"One question, bj21 has a password protected site, even for their free pages. I hope that people are not accessing it through your password indirectly, that may cause some problems. Have you ok'd this with them?

Passwords are stored on your computer if you chose that option, not in the pop up box for the site you are visiting. Read below about the okay part.

"One comment. I saw your post on rge21 for about 20 minutes. Then it was busted.

It was up a little longer than that ;> My page used to pull up their message board directly bypassing the front page allowing the PLAYERS direct access to the info. RGE has changed their CGI settings to prevent that from happening now, so, as you can see, they only want to let you play after they have taken a few 10's out of the deck....grin They did say that I had a direct link to them from my players club, which needs an overhaul (picturing Jim Carey from The Mask). It's a free board that I am linking to, but .... no comment.

I failed to foresee their next move, and should have, in mercenary fashion, went in under cover of darkness instead of beating drums with bag pipes blaring, sending fear into their programmers ;> I dare not make the same mistake with BJ21.

What I was and am trying to do is allow BJ players a simple way to post, and find info re BJ, and let them know who really gives a "sheyet" about them.

"Onward BJ soldiers!"

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: "Fab 4" Blackjack Boards

Thanks for that tip. I do want working boards with the right "flavor," ie, mods that are willing to HELP the players out, to reach their goals, without all of the extranious anti-advantages that keep croping up. Which board do you suggest? Their counting board? The new BJ21 has only one chat board re BJ so it is rather easy to work with. I could go to 6, but do like the "Fab 4" because of its recognition in the BJ community. T-Hopper is putting up a board shortly so am looking forward to that.

I am going to try to place a button on the page that will allow you to switch from box A to box B C and D to go full screen. Right now I just open in new window and have all four up and ready, and refresh at will ;>

Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: One question, one comment

They are also moderating my posts now. One piece of pork gets into the all beef sausage and I'm put on SPAM watch! laughing

The Mayor

Well-Known Member
My moderation story at rge21

I was put on "moderated" status there after I made a comment about software needing to be reviewed independently, and having those reviews appearing on sites that don't also sell the software. Because several programmers responsible for top programs post there, I was given the "persona non-gratis" status shortly thereafter.


Rob McGarvey

Well-Known Member
Re: My moderation story at rge21

You are still "suspect" right now. I checked you out. I doubt they will take it off of us until all our teeth and claws fall out. ;>

RGE is a PUBLISHING company. They remain in a mode of competition. Never forget that fact, and you'll do well.


Re: "Fab 4" Blackjack Boards THOPPER

"T-Hopper is putting up a board shortly so am looking forward to that."

Wasn't THopper's board idea forthcomming to be the merged 4in1 board that you just came out with? Was his idea different or the same as this? THopper? zg


Well-Known Member
Re: Blackjack Boards *LINK*

What I am working on will make it possible to view and search messages from different boards and different sites all on one page. I believe it will save over 50% of the time spent browsing boards, making more of them worthwhile again.