Rob McGarvey
Well-Known Member
Good morning and Happy Today (always my favorite day of the week)
My jolly old fingers have been typing again and I have come up with a framed page that will give you access to the "Fab 4" Blackjack Boards on the 'net. I'm sure you will want to put it in your favorites list, or even
make it your home page.
(Dead link:
You will find that when the page loads BJ21 will ask you for a password. If you have a password just enter it. If not, press cancel and if you wish to join, click in the top right box on the line "click here to sign up free."
Have an Awesome Day!
Rob McGarvey
My jolly old fingers have been typing again and I have come up with a framed page that will give you access to the "Fab 4" Blackjack Boards on the 'net. I'm sure you will want to put it in your favorites list, or even
make it your home page.
(Dead link:
You will find that when the page loads BJ21 will ask you for a password. If you have a password just enter it. If not, press cancel and if you wish to join, click in the top right box on the line "click here to sign up free."
Have an Awesome Day!
Rob McGarvey