If you think I am making light of your situation. I am taking my time to post for a reason, nothing personal!
What did the pit say to you?
"How he only backs people off when it becomes so obvious that he fears he could get heat if he doesn't." "He said he had identified me awhile ago but had previsouly looked the other way, but no longer could!"
I don't see how one can interpret his words as anything else but, you bet to big and won to much! He let you play before when you bet less and won less!, but you rubbed his face in it! A guess is his boss wandered by or was summoned and was looking over your pits shoulder, forcing his hand!
I mentioned I believe a 10g win barrier? 11g is a lot less then 20g.
You are using hindsight to justify your actions, Those super max bets only had a $20? to $30? extra EV attached to them. An Ev that can be made up at another time!
If you believe that red chippers can use less/no camo and don't have to worry about winning to much, then you have to believe the opposite that big bettors need to worry about camo and winning to much? Aren't they opposite sides of the same coin?
I think many talk about doing things to dissipate heat, not doing things that turn it up?
Many things are talked about to avoid heat:
Minimal spreads
playing errors
playing negative hands
leaving after a large win
I suggest not being greedy; also mentioned in bj literature

, and it's ridiculous?
Don't believe the bold red print. Don't believe that the casino watches big winners with more scrutiny! Don't heed my advise. I am no one, just words on a computer screen. Do heed the little blue words the pit said to you and there implications!