Favorite Casino?


Well-Known Member
Billy C1 said:
I'm having a problem wrapping my head around the idea that any casino would tell players they are in the top 1% of players. Does the 1% stand for action given, skill level or what?

Hey Billy,
Your rating definitely comes from dollars gambled..ie run through a machine for me at the time...and they look at a theoretical loss at that particular machine.... I assure you the Host's are scrambling to "nab" a new big player.
Once a relationship has been established its not hard to figure out where you stand. The simplest way to find out is to ask.!!!!!! Yea just ask...
When i find a store i like or has some good "stuff" in it and find i want to establish myself, my first concern is figuring out who the "BIG" Host is ,,, the top dog executive host.
Believe it or not they have more power than security or any of the floor people...
So i seek the top dog,,, sometimes it takes a few weeks, but with enough talking you can figure it out... Then go after them and stroke their ego!!!!!
It's a huge edge in so many ways to have them in your corner...
But be prepared when they find out what the score really is .....it gets very cold and you know it in a heart beat. LOL



Well-Known Member
Automatic Monkey said:
Let's see- for amenities, Harrah's AC and Showboat AC.

For player's club- Foxwoods.

For BJ- Hollywood Baton Rouge, Saint Croix Turtle Lake, Twin Pines Middletown CA, all Peppermill stores in Wendover.
What is it that makes Wendover BJ attractive?


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
Well for one thing there is absolutely nothing else to do there unless you're into rock climbing. :)
Hold it 21 gun...... if ya go to visit say septemberish.........there are some mighty fast cars out on that lake bed!!!!!!! Oh yea and motorcyles......!!! And there's gold in them thar hills to the south... Great desert fun everywhere!!!!
