ScottH said:
At least I now know you don't need to know that much about blackjack to be considered a "pro".
LMAO, seems to be very true as you consider yourself a budding one. Now wipe the drool off your chin child and try to keep up.
Advantage is something that manifests itself in the long run, not the short run.
Technically you have some sort of point, in that the likely hood of you winning that one particular hand does not change.
Unfortunately what your missing is that in the long run we talk about playing a game with x% advantage, and this is based on an how much you should expect to gain as a function of the overall amount that you have bet once you have reached what can statistically considered 'the long run'.
I know i know, this could be referred to as a 'win rate' rather than advantage, but when someone asks what advantage they should expect to gain over a particular game, this is what they're looking for.
Now Kelly is a function of your bankroll that is specifically keyed to cause maximum bankroll growth. When you over bet Kelly (or underbet to a lesser extent) you decrease rather than increase the speed at which your bankroll will grow. Counter intuitive i know, but the facts of the matter. So in the long run, you've won less and bet more compared to following Kelly, hence your advantage has actually decreased. Any pro when assessing their results after several years of play would say at that point that they are not playing with as high an advantage as they thought they were and look to find the reason.
Let me say this another way. Advantage is something that can only be assessed over millions of hands. This is not actually being confused with ROR, as you can slow your bankroll growth without reaching a point of bankroll ruin.
It is however taking into account varience as that is actually a factor, being that you have to play through it to get a long term advantage.
To sum up, the advantage on any given hand does not change but advantage over a large number of hands (the important advantage) does. Even if you survive flux when over betting, your bankroll will grow more slowly than someone who was sizing their bets correctly.
And from now on Scott you can patronize to someone else. Everyone has tried to show you why you are wrong, and you've been contemptful of them all. I'm done caring about your misguided views. Have a nice day.