At its best, Fezzik's site offered a glimpse of how real-world bettors working in gambling's trenches plied their trade. That remained true until the end, even if sports bettors visiting the site did have to wade through an increasing amount of useless rambling written by anonymous Internet nitwits.*
*You know who you are, you roid-swilling loonies. zg (boom-pop)

June 25, 2007
Jeff Haney on why the gaming world lost out when professional sports handicapper Fezzik decided that dealing with the message board critics wasn't worth the effort
"It's been my policy to view the Internet not as an 'information highway,' " a prescient Mike Royko once wrote, "but as an electronic asylum filled with babbling loonies."
It certainly seemed that way last week when Las Vegas professional gambler Fezzik shut down his eponymous sports betting Web site, citing his frustration with personal attacks on his online message board and a general preponderance of cyber-goofballs overrunning the site.
...more - http://www.lasvegassun.com/sunbin/stories/sports/2007/jun/25/566621631.html

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