Fire Bet - Craps


Well-Known Member
I never post much about session reports, but after this past weekend's trip...

To make a long story short, was playing at the right craps table at the right time when a guy held the dice for over 50 minutes--not an exaggeration. For anybody familiar with the Fire Bet, this man nailed all six points and the house paid two people with $1 on the Fire Bet 1000x times their investment!!! What made the whole thing exciting was that the last point he needed to hit was the 4...and he did.

He made 9 (or 10...can't remember exactly) points in his roll, and was rolling 7s & 11s on the comeouts. Rolled good place bet numbers during the points, and tripled my buy-in by himself. A couple high-rollers were throwing him $25 chips after (what seemed like) every 2 or 3 rolls!

A roll of a lifetime...I've never heard a table get that loud before in my life!

good luck


Well-Known Member
Fire bets

I have only found the fire bets at Harrah's establishments. I have also only found them in Las Vegas. Where or what city did you find them in? When I saw the fire bet offered, it was long before I had ever thought of craps. At the time Bj was the only thing I would consider.


Well-Known Member
rdorange said:
I have only found the fire bets at Harrah's establishments. I have also only found them in Las Vegas. Where or what city did you find them in? When I saw the fire bet offered, it was long before I had ever thought of craps. At the time Bj was the only thing I would consider.
It was at the Grand Victoria in Rising Sun, IN. Hottest table I've seen in quite a while. Never seen the fire bet pay the 1000x either...completely nuts!


Well-Known Member
ChefJJ said:
I never post much about session reports, but after this past weekend's trip...

To make a long story short, was playing at the right craps table at the right time when a guy held the dice for over 50 minutes--not an exaggeration. For anybody familiar with the Fire Bet, this man nailed all six points and the house paid two people with $1 on the Fire Bet 1000x times their investment!!! What made the whole thing exciting was that the last point he needed to hit was the 4...and he did.

He made 9 (or 10...can't remember exactly) points in his roll, and was rolling 7s & 11s on the comeouts. Rolled good place bet numbers during the points, and tripled my buy-in by himself. A couple high-rollers were throwing him $25 chips after (what seemed like) every 2 or 3 rolls!

A roll of a lifetime...I've never heard a table get that loud before in my life!

good luck
You weren't in Kansas City by any chance? The same thing happened last week at a craps table at harrahs. The guy held the dice forever (the pit said 2 hours) and hit whatever it needs to be for the fire bet to pay out 1000x. I was going to ask the forum if they thought it was dice control. Every time he placed the dice the same way, with 6 on top for both dice and 4 in the back. I understand very little about dc but he gripped it the correct way and his release was very smooth each time.


Well-Known Member
weavin42 said:
You weren't in Kansas City by any chance? The same thing happened last week at a craps table at harrahs. The guy held the dice forever (the pit said 2 hours) and hit whatever it needs to be for the fire bet to pay out 1000x. I was going to ask the forum if they thought it was dice control. Every time he placed the dice the same way, with 6 on top for both dice and 4 in the back. I understand very little about dc but he gripped it the correct way and his release was very smooth each time.
I was in Indiana, and this guy was setting up the dice...but they scattered after they were thrown. Just a run of great luck--and that surely did the trick for me that night! We got on that table 2 shooters before him, and left it right after that. Great timing on our part!

Regarding what you're talking about in KC, he could have been controlling the dice. Sounded like he was setting them in a particular fashion and had a smooth release. When the dice hit the table, was their movement limited or did they just roll end over end and not to the side? Either of those may have been a sign that he was controlling. A 2-hour roll, regardless of how the dice got to the other end of the table, is rediculously incredible!!! A money maker for sure!:joker:

good luck


Well-Known Member
Craps bets

On the subject of craps bets, has anyone ever heard of a bet called the golden touch bet? Something to do with pass line bets and how many winners can be rolled during one shooters turn, regardless of the points.


Well-Known Member
rdorange said:
On the subject of craps bets, has anyone ever heard of a bet called the golden touch bet? Something to do with pass line bets and how many winners can be rolled during one shooters turn, regardless of the points.
Sounds promising and exploitable :rolleyes: ...have you seen it before? If so, what kind of payouts are there?

good luck


Well-Known Member
Gt bet

Golden Dice Challenge

The "Golden Dice Challenge" is a craps side bet found at the MGM Grand in Detroit. The bet pays according to the number of pass line wins the player has before a seven-out. For purposes of the side bet, a win may be made either by rolling a 7 or 11 on the come out roll, or making a point. Rolling a 2, 3, or 12 on the come out roll does not affect the bet. I have conflicting information about a maximum win, but I believe it to be $5000.
I haven't seen it yet.

I found this at Wizard of odds, i think. Anyone ever come across this or know if it is dying or spreading? I'd love a shot at it.


Well-Known Member
Preston said:

You should have introduced yourself!!!!
At the Grand Vic after Thanksgiving? I was in the right hook next to the hot shooter. You wouldn't have happened to be the generous toke-man would you?


Well-Known Member
Yup. Weekend after Thanksgiving.

I was off in the corner. I did toke but probably not the guy you're talking about.

Trouble is I blew a lot of my craps winnings with a neg variance at the BJ tables that same night :-(.


Well-Known Member
Preston said:
Yup. Weekend after Thanksgiving.

I was off in the corner. I did toke but probably not the guy you're talking about.

Trouble is I blew a lot of my craps winnings with a neg variance at the BJ tables that same night :-(.
Ain't that somethin' else! We really lucked out that night...were in town that weekend, made the last-minute decision to drive the extra 20 minutes to go to Grand Vic, ate first, saddled up at that table, and two shooters later...cha-ching! ;)

Hell, we left the table after him right before it was our time to shoot. My concentration was just so blown with excitement from the whole thing that I just took the high road out of there :) Perhaps my shortest WINNING visit to a casino in my whole life. Smash n' grab! :grin:


Hi ChefJJ. I was reading the past posts and went over to HotHand Craps and have to say while I don't agree with everything, I love it. The past posts remind me of a few years ago when I was using the "Doey-Don't" system (as we've discussed on the other post) and I was practicing dice control a the same time. I kept rolling nines while trying to make my point and (I don't know if that had anything to do with my form?) and I was only betting on the free odds. A guy at the table kept placing the 9 and won thousands. I won about a hundred, but I was happy with that at the time.
I recommend using the doey-don't while practicing DC, what do you think ChefJJ? (Is this more of a discussion for your site ChefJJ?)


Well-Known Member
Glen, I really can't imagine a betting system that would be much better for someone who is trying to gain that "real-life" casino practice time. It's definitely one thing to put in serious time at home to get the skill down, but the casino environment throws a lot of other elements at you. As you mentioned on the other thread, the Doey-Don't is basically a no-edge system with the exception of a come-out 12 it is really a low expectation (win or loss) way of playing.

good luck


ChefJJ, you had started to mention a way to practice DC without a real craps table. Do you have any more info on it? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
alphastorm said:
Measure out a 14-foot table, place the table against a wall and start chucking?
Absolutely! The easiest way to use that setup is to purchase a corner diamond rubber wall segment, and adhere it to a constructed wood corner. For the table surface, you can buy felt and some poly fil from a craft/fabric store. The corner piece sits on the surface, and there ya go!

What's nice about this is that you can store it away when not using it...the lady usually doesn't care to have that out all the time. Plus, I like to mark on the felt where the pass line's a good reference point for gauging throws, and you can put chips on the layout for pass line and odds bets. Avoiding chips is a big part of perfecting your skill.

good luck

PS - Sorry about forgetting to answer the question from 2007! :eek:


Well-Known Member
alphastorm said:
I feel corner diamonds are not necessary because all you're doing is practicing how to throw a certain distance. Doesn't really matter how it bounces. Once you can consistently throw with a backspin and hit that corner all the time, then you are good to go.
That is an interesting point. Even with the diamond wall on my setup, I am looking for landing placement and perhaps a bump at the base of the wall. I still recommend drawing or having some sort of marking for the pass line and putting some chips out helps me to target when I'm at the casino if there are several players on the other end.

Good call Alpha...good luck


Well-Known Member
alphastorm said:
I agree with marking the pass line and trying to avoid chips but testing what numbers you can land at home as apposed to what you can do at the casino is like comparing apples to oranges. That is why I say, don't bother with the results. Just practice the grip, release and follow thru.
Amen. At home, I always throw the dice with the ones on the axis. The resulting number rolled does not matter to me so much as whether the release and landing keep them on axis. The greater probability (OAP in the blog :grin: ) that you can keep them on axis, the better off you are. Just like in card counting: know what to do, do it, and let the math take care of the rest.

good luck

PS - I agree with the "apples and oranges" look at home practice, but I also look at it like: If I can keep 'em on axis at home, I'm gonna be behind the 8 ball on the road.


New Member
We were full of steak, full of alcohol, and ready to blow out our last night of Vegas. At 1 AM or so, a bunch of us were going to head to the strip, but Ben and I got sidetracked at a craps table on the way. I was down $400 at this point, but feeling pretty good at the result of the steakhouse bet, so I was going to be content to leave Vegas down $400 but up in spirit.Ben plopped down some cash while I waited for my moment. What followed was one of the funnier moments of the trip. Ben was betting on the don't pass, and the point was nine. Thus, he was rooting for a seven while the rest of the table was rooting for a nine. Ben was directly to the right of the stickman, with the shooter somewhere on the stickman's left.