First Casino Trip. Am i ready?


Just in case you don't already know:

-The casino you're talking about doesn't peek with 10 or A before
playing out the hand(increase the house advantage and changes
basic strategy a bit)
-I'm pretty sure they're all 8 deckers
-There are better games just across the border(maybe you're not 21 yet??)


Well-Known Member
bj2007 said:
-I'm pretty sure they're all 8 deckers
-There are better games just across the border(maybe you're not 21 yet??)
uhooh he was thinking they were six deck :eek:


Well-Known Member
8 decks, no peeking!!
well il have to live with that, my sources aren't very observant and i was basing it on a free cbjn thing from 2007.
and yea im not 21 yet. the closet casino i know of across the border that is 18+ is like 3 hours away.
but at least its something to start on rather than csms.

what type of edge do they have then?


New Member
Your information is correct

It is 6 decks, and while they don't take a hole card, they only take the original bet if the dealer gets a blackjack so the regular H17 LS DAS strategy is correct.

If you play 2 hands, the house rule is you need to bet twice the table minimum on each hand, so you're better off playing 1 hand of $5 in 0 to negative counts (or even better, sit out until it gets positive) and try to spread to 2 hands when it does go positive. Creatively sitting at either first or 3rd base and primarily betting on the adjacent spot can help you "hog" the 2nd spot for positive counts.

Back of the napkin calculation for betting full-kelly (13.5% ROR) shows you need about a $6000 non-replenishable bankroll to have a max bet of 2x$50. You're pretty safe bringing $1500-2000 for any given session (believe me, you will need that much on some rough nights).

General formula is:
(Bank / 266) * (True Count - 1) = Full Kelly bet on one hand

Playing 2 hands you should bet about 75% of the optimal amount on each hand.

In any case, be prepared for large swings. Don't get over-confident if you win lots at the beginning, and don't get discouraged if you lose a few max bets in a row at sky-high counts. If you have the discipline and nerves to trust in the math, you can make a little money.
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Well-Known Member
la_dee_daa said:
But if YOU knew me you would know i am in your terms "cant possibly be serious" in my own "good" element :laugh: ( i get it a lot ):)
Sounds good to me - glad we're getting to know each other lol.

Just be careful and conservative at the beginning lol.

But, for God's sake, whatever you do, please don't play if you are under-aged :)


Well-Known Member
Kasi said:
But, for God's sake, whatever you do, please don't play if you are under-aged :)
i think i will start 1 day before my birthday make a very large buy in and spread from 5-500 just to make sure they ID me, when they do i will take all my chips and run out. come back the next day when i will be legal age just to screw with them.:laugh:

one guy i know has been constantly playing at casinos for the last 2 years has yet to turn 19 yet plays both in the USA and canada and all that ever happens is they kick him out and nothing else if that!
In other places do they acutally take any action agaist minors or is it just where i live that they don't seem to care?


Well-Known Member
Wow, that's quite a bankroll for someone that's not yet even 21.

Another strategy for a first timer would be to backcount a few tables before playing, and even limit play to favorable shoe counts (if mid-shoe entry is allowed).


Well-Known Member
First Casino Trip!!!!! Today

well i finally got to go the casiso today considering a was still sick on my birthday. went with a couple of friends and played for about an hour. It was packed and took 20min for me to find a table that had a spot open with a $5 min. i finally did got third base position so i could see all the cards. had some fairly slow lady dealer for about half a shoe just better $5 highest the true count got was like 1.5..... so i just threw out a couple $10 bets so no real action. after half a shoe she switched out and i got some crazy fast dealer compared to all the other dealers dealing faster then he should have as he fumbled the cards every few deals. I kept up ahead of him counting so i would have my count when he would be dealing the first person. Friends kept pestering me to bet more when the count was negative which was kinda annoying. The penetration was good dealing down to about one deck but the table was completly full. ended up $10 ahead.... yes a very big win. probably going to play the $5 tables a few more times then bump up to the $10 ones or backcount the $25 tables so i dont have to play in negative counts so often.

other then that i played my basic strategy perfectly and only had the opportunity for a few index play during negative counts.

the door guy who id me wished me happy birthday though :)


Well-Known Member
Happy birthday

and hurray!! for winning 10 dollars
lemme know when you come to ac
You dont have to worry they dont have door guys in new jersey

(Update)they have door guys but they are hobos asking you for money
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Well-Known Member
Sounds like you kept up better than the first few times I tried it. Nice.

Money-wise, things move pretty slow at full tables. Slow pace of play, not as much time spent at high counts. It's kind of the kiddy pool of variance.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Sounds like you kept up better than the first few times I tried it. Nice.

Money-wise, things move pretty slow at full tables. Slow pace of play, not as much time spent at high counts. It's kind of the kiddy pool of variance.
yea its kinda ridiculose at the $5 tables just trying to find a spot. i just want to get into the flow of things then il either play the $10 or $25 ones and backcount hopping around where spots are open actually!

considering i didn't know where to place my double downs or splits the first couple time. dealer had to keep moving my chips to the right spot.