Well-Known Member
I've played here about a dozen times. I usually go with a buddy who plays nothing but VP and slots. He has no problem getting both of our meals comped. I recently went by myself. I tried to get a meal comp and was told they couldn't do it and that I only had a balance of a few bucks on my card, which I always use at the tables. I talked to the PB and he gave me a bunch of double talk saying that the system was complicated and it was based in part on house advantage and other factors. I told him I wanted the exact formula and he couldn't/wouldn't give it to me. I then told him that my buddy, who spends a lot less money on VP and slots than I do at BJ, never has a problem getting comps and he again gave me a bunch of double talk. I told him they were screwing the Blackjack players and they were going to lose a lot of business to the other casinos in the region where comps are no problem for BJ players. Anyone else have similar experiences here?
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