Foxwoods inspecting car trunks

All FW players be alert that the security GED's are stopping vehicles and inspecting trunks on the way into the parking garages. Take appropriate countermeasures.


Well-Known Member
This is a "for show" inspection only. I drove through there on a road trip with a ton of crap in my trunk that could have been concealing any manner of WMDs. The security guy looked for less than a second, closed my trunk and told me to have a good time.


Well-Known Member
They started the inspections the morning after Bin Laden's death was reported. If you don't park in a garage you won't be checked. At first I thought they were looking for contraband h17 strategy charts and I was ready to swallow mine at a moments notice.:laugh:


Well-Known Member
21gunsalute said:
This can't be legal.
1. Anything goes on the reservation.
2. Even off the reservation, a private business can require such a search. Like free speech, the right to privacy only applies to government. You have the right to refuse and not patronize them.


Automatic Monkey said:
All FW players be alert that the security GED's are stopping vehicles and inspecting trunks on the way into the parking garages. Take appropriate countermeasures.
AM do you give the FW inspection the same attitude as with the cops? Is it only the abuse of government authority that makes you stand on principle? Im not trying to give you a hard time. I was just wondering were someone who would go through so much standing on principle (pulled over for tinted windows thread) would draw the line.
tthree said:
AM do you give the FW inspection the same attitude as with the cops? Is it only the abuse of government authority that makes you stand on principle? Im not trying to give you a hard time. I was just wondering were someone who would go through so much standing on principle (pulled over for tinted windows thread) would draw the line.
Knowing that FW personnel are reading this thread, I'm not going to say what I did. Or when I did it. :grin:
More important than inspections .... Soft 17 vs H17

The S17 game is still avaiable at MGM as of this AM. The felts will be changed soon according to staff.

A 6 year old could bring contraband past those inspections


Well-Known Member
christopher1 said:
Well this doesnt apply to me i had to sell my car to replenish my bankroll and now i take the bus to the casino...
Wow, that's dedication. Just make sure the bus driver doesn't look like he's finishing an 18 hour shift, running on red bull and methamphetamine.


Well-Known Member
Foxwoods and MGM are no longer inspecting vehicles entering the garages. I drove into two different garages this morning and their crack security team was no where to be found.


Well-Known Member
christopher1 said:
Well this doesnt apply to me i had to sell my car to replenish my bankroll and now i take the bus to the casino...
I did the same thing, but in all fairness i had three cars and i was tired of replacing the head gasket on my Supra. Gave me $2500 to my BR though :grin:


Well-Known Member
They're At It Again

Everything was good yesterday, but this morning the elite security force at Foxwoods and MGM was busy checking the trunks of all vehicles entering the garages. They weren't even looking into the interiors just the trunks.

Here are a couple of examples of their advanced training. The mini van two cars ahead of me had a large Thule cargo carrier on the roof and it was completely ignored. The trunk of the car directly in front of me was filled to the top and was immediately slammed shut by the inspecting officer. Who knows what was in there? It's funny how this never happens 8 miles away at Mohegan Sun.

If they're still checking trunks Monday, I'll ask them what DEFCON level they're at.:laugh: