Funny conversation at the $50 table


Well-Known Member
I was observing a table being played by two elderly ethnic gentleman. I am not quite sure which was funnier, their general banter or the thick European accents! However, by far the funniest interaction came when one of them was dealt a pair of 4s against a dealer 5. He took out $50 in order to split when the other one piped up...

"What are you doing?! Are you stupid? You have 8, never split 4s. Go learning f&^$ing basic strategy".

He was vehemently opposed to the man splitting his 4s! I found it hilarious. I felt obliged to interject and tell him he was an idiot, but I did not want to appear like a know-it-all counter.


Well-Known Member
You haven't given us enough information. According to correct basic strategy, it IS incorrect to split 4's, unless the rules allow you to double after splits.


Well-Known Member
im always amazed how often the "basic stategy" pops up for plays that are completely wrong.

Or one lady knew it was BS to split 8's but then stood hit hard with a dealer 6 up...


I love watching people argue with each other at the table. Best winning argument I ever saw was a growing pile of chips. :cool2:

My favourite is watching people gasp in awe or argue with me when I split 10s against a dealer's 6, (especially when I know there are high cards due). When I first started doing this at the local casinos, no one had ever seen this strategy before. *scratching head*. It's always good for having people gather round, cheering and holding their breath. Always, at least one person at the table starts shaming me for splitting the 10s. Even when I win the hands, someone will say, 'You were just damned lucky. Never never never split tens.' And there's always someone asking for advise about when to do that.

Those moments are always fun. Worth the price of admission.


Well-Known Member
Similar to the plop who watches you hit a soft 18 vs dealers 10 upcard-plop says "that's an 18 'ya know! :joker:


Well-Known Member
I split tens against 5 or 6 and I get another ten and split it again because the count is still high, then I get 3 more tens for 3 hands of 20. Then the dealer gets 19 and everyone loses except me. And the ploppies get mad at me and leave because I "made them lose" by taking the dealer's bust cards. Then I'm heads up with a high count.


Well-Known Member
I can count very few times

I can count very few times where supposed BS players or even knowledgeable ones hit their soft 18's. Most dealers know it's the correct play (when it is) but are still surprised when I hit mine.

Now the same cannot be said for hitting 12 vs 2. I see that a lot more often but those same players wouldn't think of hitting 12 vs 3 even though it's the BS play.

Seems like they think there's BS and then there's BS BS, LOL