Good readings


Ok i am going on a trip and it is an 8.5 hour flight. Well to pass the time i want to read a book. ARe there any suggested books to read for blackjack or can i just find everything i need to know online. I dont know if there is like a must read book like super system for poker. Any suggestions would be great. Maybe a little synopsis of the book or what it teaches would be lovely as well.
Thanks later all.
Good reading


For such a long flight why not go for *very entertaining education*? Get "The Counter" by the one and only, Kevin Blackwood.

Save the heavy reading for another time :)

Creeping Panther
Proud MMOA Associate


Well-Known Member
To Learn:

"Blackbelt in Blackjack" - Arnold Snyder
"Play Blackjack like the Pros" - Kevin Blackwood
"Comp City" - Max Rubin

For Fun:

"The Counter" - Kevin Blackwood (I agree with the above poster: great book!)
"Bringing Down the House" and "Busting Vegas" - Ben Mezrich



Well-Known Member
My recommendations...

Blackjack Bluebook II by Renzey: good to learn from, easy reading
Blackjack Blueprint by Blaine: a tutorial for BS and Hi/Lo, plus advanced topics
Blackjack for Blood by Carlson: good to learn from, interesting anecdotes
Blackbelt in Blackjack by Snyder: a complete textbook on BJ
Professional Blackjack by Wong: the single, best source for Hi/Lo count, lots of tables
Million Dollar Blackjack by Uston: interesting read, both technical and anecdotal

Eventually you should read them all, but 3 will do for starters.

BJinNJ :cool:
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Comp City, Max Rubin

The Frugal Gambler, Jean Scott

Super Casino: Inside the New Las Vegas - Pete Earley

The Basics of winning Blackjack - J Edward Allen