Good Socal casinos for 6 deck


Well-Known Member
I've played baronas and pala and am looking for some other good games for low limit 6 deck. I prefer $5 but I'll play 10 and just wong in a little later.

From what I've read on here spa, fantasy springs, spotlight 29 and golden acorn are good, but which is best for low limit 6deck?


Well-Known Member
Fantasy Springs is OK! They are S17. They do have a $5 table (one) but it is usually full. Lot of $10 games, even double deck (they changed DD to H17).

I have never been to the others; I went to Agua Caliente and they have a lot of $10 and $5 6D games. It is also newer and very nice inside. Can barely smell the smoke.


Well-Known Member
Cool I think I'll try Agua and Fantasy Springs out. I'm just worried about learning the different BS and indices for S17. Isn't it confusing going back and forth between Stand and Hit?


Well-Known Member
H17 and S17 have 2 differences. have if you ignore them, and just play the more common BS for H17 you will never notice the difference in your EV.

If you're a low roller there are sub $5 tables at Augustine Casino and Spotlight 29. $3 I think. not great pen, but if your min bet is $5, it's a start.


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
H17 and S17 have 2 differences. have if you ignore them, and just play the more common BS for H17 you will never notice the difference in your EV.

If you're a low roller there are sub $5 tables at Augustine Casino and Spotlight 29. $3 I think. not great pen, but if your min bet is $5, it's a start.
Those places are dumps. As if play isn't ghetto or slow enough at a $5 table. I think dealers hate doing the lowest of the low roller tables. Check out Fantasy Springs for $5. They always have one $5 6-deck table.

21Menace said:
Cool I think I'll try Agua and Fantasy Springs out. I'm just worried about learning the different BS and indices for S17. Isn't it confusing going back and forth between Stand and Hit?
Learn the difference and use it!

An AP always comes prepared for the battle!:)



Active Member
Agua Caliente is waaaaaaaay better than Fantasy Springs. There's really no comparison. Better rules, more tables, nicer atmosphere and deeper penetration. Hmmmm...


Well-Known Member
WestCoast21 said:
Agua Caliente is waaaaaaaay better than Fantasy Springs. There's really no comparison. Better rules, more tables, nicer atmosphere and deeper penetration. Hmmmm...
The rules are the same for both on 6-deck. Unless something has changed last time I went. However, Agua Caliente is a much nicer place.


Well-Known Member
WestCoast21 said:
Agua Caliente is waaaaaaaay better than Fantasy Springs. There's really no comparison. Better rules, more tables, nicer atmosphere and deeper penetration. Hmmmm...

Oooh, didn't know about the resplit aces at Agua Caliente!


Well-Known Member
One last thing: getting free rooms out of Fantasy Springs is easy. And they seem to almost pay you $5/hr for playing blackjack, even at the $10 level. Don't know how long that will last.


Active Member
Agua: RSA, better pen, more tables
Fantasy: no RSA, worse pen, less tables

The rooms at Agua are way better than the rooms at Fantasy, although they are a bit tougher to get comped.


Well-Known Member
WestCoast21 said:
Agua: RSA, better pen, more tables
Fantasy: no RSA, worse pen, less tables

The rooms at Agua are way better than the rooms at Fantasy, although they are a bit tougher to get comped.

Iron Man

Other casinos?

I'm surprised no one has mentioned other casinos near Pala and Barona that have good shoe games. Casino Pauma has $5 limit tables and decent rules. Valley view has $10 limits and decent rules.


Well-Known Member
I'm not the OP but came to check up since I'm going to Palm Springs tomorrow.

Haven't played blackjack since January trip to Vegas and I'm really looking forward to this, but want to get in the best possible play.

I agree re Agua - nice nice casino and the rooms are awesome. Good to hear the game rules are pretty much the same as when I was there last. Also, when I played there last, the players all seemed smarter - not a bunch of ploppies.

They do seem to have tightened up their comps, however. I'm hoping they relax a bit for the summer season.