gotta love the ploppies................


Well-Known Member
So I'm at the Tropicana in A.C.-hit A/7 vs dealers 10 twice and lose.(two separate hands) Lady all the while is telling me it's stupid to hit an 18-then she says "you hit it two times and lost," as though that has great meaning or something.
Next hand she hits a 14 against a dealers 10 and busts-I cant help myself and say "guess you shouldn't have hit that 14 'cuz you lost."


Well-Known Member
You can never win a strategy argument with a ploppy. It's best to reply with another ploppyism. That way they'll understand your logic. :)


Well-Known Member
Give her credit for at least hitting the 14! (Oh, wait...the dealer ALWAYS has a 10 in the hole, I forgot. Sorry!)


Well-Known Member
Was sitting at the table the other night with a couple of ploppies, one who was totally wasted and hitting 17-20 nearly everytime he got a them. The other was getting more and more wound up by this idiot who he was blaming for dropping nearly $1800 at a $5 table in under an hour. It was classic.



Well-Known Member
RJT said:
Was sitting at the table the other night with a couple of ploppies, one who was totally wasted and hitting 17-20 nearly everytime he got a them. The other was getting more and more wound up by this idiot who he was blaming for dropping nearly $1800 at a $5 table in under an hour. It was classic.

Alright, here's the ULTIMATE BJ question for you pro's...Where can I get a job that allows me enough money that I can drop $1800.00 in under an hour? Forget 'system sellers'. You wouldn't be "Bishop", you'd be "POPE"!


Well-Known Member
You know, that's the ironical thing about card-counting. I haven't had the pleasure of losing $1800 in an hour yet, but at my betting level, it's definitely possible that I could, and probably will happen (and worse) eventually.

However, I don't work a job where I would have any reasonable expectation of doing such a thing. (i.e. if I didn't have an advantage and a dedicated bankroll)


Well-Known Member
I really dislike the word Ploppy and have no idea how such a hideous term ever gained acceptance. For one, it just sounds stupid. For another, it reeks of elitism.


Well-Known Member
I think it's meant to be elitist. Although I personally only try to use it when describing people who are jerks as well as poor players, because it does sound pretty horrible.

My favorite horrible elitist slang is over at the flyertalk boards (frequent flyers). Their term for non-statused flyers who crowd the boarding areas? Gate lice.


Well-Known Member
SPX said:
For one, it just sounds stupid.
*check*, as ploppies often play

SPX said:
For another, it reeks of elitism.
*check*, we know something they don't, yet even a chimpanzee like ZG could learn, hence the elitism is warranted as well.


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
My favorite horrible elitist slang is over at the flyertalk boards (frequent flyers). Their term for non-statused flyers who crowd the boarding areas? Gate lice.
i'm going to start calling bad players, table lice.
EasyRhino said:
My favorite horrible elitist slang is over at the flyertalk boards (frequent flyers). Their term for non-statused flyers who crowd the boarding areas? Gate lice.
I think "non-statused" is sufficiently elitist that they don't need another elitist term!


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
I think it's meant to be elitist. Although I personally only try to use it when describing people who are jerks as well as poor players, because it does sound pretty horrible.
I prefer '****ing dickhead.'

EasyRhino said:
My favorite horrible elitist slang is over at the flyertalk boards (frequent flyers). Their term for non-statused flyers who crowd the boarding areas? Gate lice.
I had no idea I was ever being scrutinized in such a way by "statused flyers." But it did make me laugh a little.


Well-Known Member
Mimosine said:
*check*, as ploppies often play

*check*, we know something they don't, yet even a chimpanzee like ZG could learn, hence the elitism is warranted as well.

Well everyone has to start somewhere and probably everyone has something they do that they don't really know anything about . . . and they don't know that they don't know anything. Everyone cooks sometimes, but imagine cooking in front of a chef and then him laughing later behind your back with his chef friends about your misuse of oregano . . . or whatever.

If you know nothing about BJ, you'll get criticized by those who know BS. If you know only BS, you'll get criticized by those who count. If you only count, you'll get criticized by those who ace-track, hole-card, etc.

People always rest in smug satisfaction when they think they're better than someone else. Must be human nature.


Well-Known Member
rogue1 said:
So I'm at the Tropicana in A.C.-hit A/7 vs dealers 10 twice and lose.(two separate hands) Lady all the while is telling me it's stupid to hit an 18-then she says "you hit it two times and lost," as though that has great meaning or something.
Next hand she hits a 14 against a dealers 10 and busts-I cant help myself and say "guess you shouldn't have hit that 14 'cuz you lost."
havent been to the trop. are they all eight decks on the main floor?


Well-Known Member
Hey, in my mind at least, a civilian can graduate out of ploppydom simply by knowing that there is a thing called basic strategy, having a general idea of how it works, and that there's room for improvement in their game. Oh, and they need to know that the house still has a built in advantage. And they can't be a douche.

Dialed-in BS play is an automatic exemption from ploppydom.

Unfortunately, this is probably still a serious minority of players.

A friend who scores a lot of tickets to advance movie screeners adopted line lice for people who glom onto the line and try to mooch tickets.


Well-Known Member

it just means they plop on down into a seat and plop down their money. of course we all know it means they don't have a clue as to how blackjack is played, but i don't think of it as a demeaning term.


Well-Known Member
rogue1 said:
it just means they plop on down into a seat and plop down their money. of course we all know it means they don't have a clue as to how blackjack is played, but i don't think of it as a demeaning term.
It makes sense in that light...but it's pretty lame when APs and some so-called AP's call BS or solid players "ploppies". Then it does emit a bit of "smugness", and that's pretty frickin' lame...especially for a card game ;)


Well-Known Member
EasyRhino said:
Hey, in my mind at least, a civilian can graduate out of ploppydom simply by knowing that there is a thing called basic strategy, having a general idea of how it works, and that there's room for improvement in their game. Oh, and they need to know that the house still has a built in advantage. And they can't be a douche.

Dialed-in BS play is an automatic exemption from ploppydom.

Unfortunately, this is probably still a serious minority of players.

A friend who scores a lot of tickets to advance movie screeners adopted line lice for people who glom onto the line and try to mooch tickets.

How about people that say they play basic strategy, but don't? I have had several people tell me that they play basic strategy when they play blackjack. But when I watch them, they don't hit A7 vs. 10. They don't split 9's vs. 9. They would never double down on A7. One "basic strategy" playing friend questioned me when he saw me double A7 vs. 3. They will, however, double A3 vs. 3. Anybody else see people who "play basic strategy" play like this? Why would they even mention the term "basic strategy?"


Well-Known Member
you are both right

If a player plays Basic Strategy 100% of the time I wouldn't dream of calling that player a ploppy-and it is true many people say they employ Basic Strategy and don't.


Well-Known Member
SecurityRisk said:
How about people that say they play basic strategy, but don't?
while watching people play when i see that someone is playing something that approximates BS, only about 5% of that already select few, play BS to the letter.

now granted i don't always play perfect BS for every specific game that i play, as a i play different games with different rules, but the weakness of my generalized BS play is of the order of 0.005%. misplaying A3 v 3, A8 v 6, 11 v A, 16 v 10, not using surrender when available, using surrender when it isn't called for! are common misplays that amount to a lot more than what i'm giving up.

calling someone a ploppy doesn't instill in me a sense of smugness, rather it is just a way to catagorize someone who is playing BJ with their guts, and not their maths.

i love absolutely love the ploppy who is moaning the whole game about how the casino riggs the game against them, how a specific dealer can't lose, how the shuffle machines change the outcome of the game, while at the same time if they went to borders, and picked up even the worst book on BJ, and learned the BS table in it, they would have erased the biggest disadvantage that they have - their own crappy plays!

but really, i don't care how other people play, these are just necessary observations we have all made, having sat at countless BJ tables, playing countless hours..... and on that note, i recently played BJ side by side with a toothless, homeless, strungout woman (who was adjusting her bra in full view of the table), and she played perfect BS - it was amazing and it makes me smile inside as i watch more afluent people piss money down the toilet faster, steam, get in a rage and then leave my table when the count skyrockets!
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