Group thought required about multiple deck games


Well-Known Member
mathman and katweezel

nice write up's guyz! very entertaining and prosaic but not humdrum or boring.
welcome to the rap club! the BJ RAPPERS


Well-Known Member
sagefr0g said:
nice write up's guyz! very entertaining and prosaic but not humdrum or boring.
welcome to the rap club! the BJ RAPPERS
Thanks Sage. A little entertainment never hurts...JtMM



Well-Known Member
Frog of Wisery

sagefr0g said:
nice write up's guyz! very entertaining and prosaic but not humdrum or boring.
welcome to the rap club! the BJ RAPPERS
Yeah right, Sagey, flattery gets you somewhere. :cat:


Well-Known Member
Nice Story

mathman said:
The specialist makes his way to his place of battle. A mercenary of sorts, armed with certain weapons and skills only a few can know or understand. He takes his place, confident in his abilities, ready to do battle. He's surrounded by civilians whom he views as only minor distractions, neither friends nor foes. The battle commences and his enemy is strong, stronger than usual. Quickly the gold uniformed devil goes for his ammunition bunker but the specialist has more. He is not worried, just a minor set back, a little loss.

Round by round the battle continues. Some of the civilians have now become casualties but our specialist has deciphered the code that tells him his enemy is vulnerable. He sends in the heavy artillery, only to have the gold uniformed devil snatch it up like a meaningless spec of dirt removed by a vacuum, the vacuum of the devil. He gets another message from his HQ, his opponent seems even weaker. He drops two larger bombs with confidence that his opponent will falter. The vacuum from hell, disguised by the gold uniform and a pretty face snatches up his two bombs like nothing. The specialist now realizes his opponent is not one to be under estimated. Another two bombs are sent to the devil, only this time it seems god has smiled. Our specialist gets to double the strength of both bombs and observation reveals his opponent is of only five. He's got to win this round, all things are in his favor. He flanks his opponent with two platoons of twenty. He sits back and relaxes a bit, smoke em if you got em he thinks. Suddenly out of the devil's trenches pop another six from the devil's reserve, only to be backed up by a compliment of ten and again the vacuum from hell sucks up the specialist's munitions as if they were meaningless specs of dirt.

Retreat seems the only answer. What happened? Intel told him his opponent was weak however the gold uniformed devil was able to conquer him like a civilian. All of his training, his twelve+ years of experience, his special smart bombs, doubled for maximum effect, had no effect on the devils vacuum. So many battles won like this before only to be belittled like an uneducated civilian this time around. He retreats from the battlefield, disgusted and bewildered. His intel was wrong and his opponent was crafty. Wounded and battle worn, he must live to fight another day.

Nice job on the story MM, two thumbs up.

You ever think about writing a book? :grin:


Well-Known Member
MoneyPlays said:
Nice job on the story MM, two thumbs up.

You ever think about writing a book? :grin:
Thanks MP. I started this thread for fun and entertainment because I thought things were getting a little droll lately. It didn't turn out as funny as I thought it would but it's still been entertainment. It's all good.:)..JtMM


Well-Known Member
mathman said:
Thanks MP. I started this thread for fun and entertainment because I thought things were getting a little droll lately. It didn't turn out as funny as I thought it would but it's still been entertainment. It's all good.:)..JtMM
I'll tell you what, how about figuring out why you get your brains beat in, fix it, and then go win. Then you can write a story with a happy ending. I'd be bored too if my talents in AP were more suited towards creative writing about it. Although by the looks at most of the posts around here thats par for the course. If you are bored, learn something new, stop waiting for your big break, and don't depend on getting thrills out of a BJ message board. Your story's cute, but not original, you hear it all the time. Ramp up your game at the table if you want to boost some excitement, not on the message board. There, is that fun enough for ya?


Well-Known Member
Oh come now MAZ - is that not a little unfair?
While i completely agree with your sentiment and have said much the same recently (, from what i know you had opportunites and a start that few here could dream of. What am i saying? - most here do dream of. I'm certainly not trying to imply that you didn't work your ass off for everything that came your way, but - and feel free to correct me if you think i'm out of line on this - i think you were also in the right place at the right time and for many - even if they had the dedication - that piece of positive variance will never happen.
That said i've achieved many amazing things in my time and each of them has been a byproduct of a work-ethic that those around me simply haven't possessed. Perhaps right place at the right time is an illusion, a simple excuse for those that haven't put the required effort in.



The Lucky Fish Talisman

I was at the table the other day in that "dealer from hell" scenario in which a woman at the table referred to that whole "sacred flow of the cards" theory and went into her reasoning on why the table was doing so poorly overall, which was a guy at first base playing back and forth from one to two hands and blah blah blah. Her theory got blown all to hell when this guy left the table and the dealer from hell continued his reign of terror upon all players crossing his path. I then told her I didn't believe in "the sacred flow of the cards" theory but did believe in the "just any ol' crazy damn thing can happen" theory!


Well-Known Member
Religions should be capitalized

Tarzan said:
I was at the table the other day in that "dealer from hell" scenario in which a woman at the table referred to that whole "sacred flow of the cards" theory and went into her reasoning on why the table was doing so poorly overall, which was a guy at first base playing back and forth from one to two hands and blah blah blah. Her theory got blown all to hell when this guy left the table and the dealer from hell continued his reign of terror upon all players crossing his path. I then told her I didn't believe in "the sacred flow of the cards" theory but did believe in the "just any ol' crazy damn thing can happen" theory!

Religions, Christianity, Judiasm, Islam etc, including the religion of blackjack losers, the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards, should be capitalized always. Had you had respect for the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards perhaps the Flow at your table would have changed. The cards are all knowing, so they knew there was a heretic at the table and punished all.

ihate17....Grand Muckety Muck of the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards


Well-Known Member
mathman said:
There is a post up in the card counting forum titled "Are my results normal (or close)?". In that post...
In that post what struck me is how everyone deemed his results "normal" without having the slightest reason for concluding so, that I could tell lol.

In one sense any result is "normal" because it can and will happen eventually.

Your question does not belong in voodoo. It goes to the heart of "card-counting".

All results are "normal" to me. To me, it's to what degree the results are "normal" or expected. I recognize results that are 4 stan dev from expected will happen. I know how often I can expect them.

There's not much I can do about it though except, perhaps, wonder, at some point, if my results are 5 or more stan dev from expected that maybe there is a good chance something is wrong. Like maybe the game is crooked, maybe my skill level sucks, maybe my betting ramp sucks etc. At some point I recognize my results are, realistically, "mpossible".

There's nothing any of us can do about "Lady Luck" and what she chooses to visit upon us.

The good news is that even She, like us, cannot do more than is allowed and is equally subject to the laws of probability as we are.

Lady Luck's results are bound by the same laws our results are. We are Her and She is Us.

Lady Luck is not to be feared. She is so predictable what is there to fear?

Thank God She is there as predictable as when the sun will rise tomorrow.

Maybe with more variance though lol.

Embrace Her. Understand Her.

Use enough roll to render Her powerless 99.99% of the time if you can.


Well-Known Member
Nice try Muckety

ihate17 said:
Religions, Christianity, Judiasm, Islam etc, including the religion of blackjack losers, the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards, should be capitalized always. Had you had respect for the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards perhaps the Flow at your table would have changed. The cards are all knowing, so they knew there was a heretic at the table and punished all.

ihate17....Grand Muckety Muck of the Sacred Flow of the All Knowing Cards
Hey nice religious try Muckety Muck; but Tarzan's story - while he was comparing his Joan Rivers wig with the lady on the next seat - made it clear that on that occasion, it was the the old familiar dealer from hell problem. Tarzan has spotted this deadly pest and generally takes steps to dodge it. I wonder what made him stick around this time? Hmmm... I betcha he wasn't prayin for help from the blackjack gods. :cat:


Well-Known Member
Where is he when you need him

Katweezel said:
Hey nice religious try Muckety Muck; but Tarzan's story - while he was comparing his Joan Rivers wig with the lady on the next seat - made it clear that on that occasion, it was the the old familiar dealer from hell problem. Tarzan has spotted this deadly pest and generally takes steps to dodge it. I wonder what made him stick around this time? Hmmm... I betcha he wasn't prayin for help from the blackjack gods. :cat:

That same old familiar dealer from hell problem.

I explained earlier that a priest loaded with holy water is one of the best solutions. It is not the dealer, it is the devil in the shoe and or the demon in the shuffle machine that has possessed the innocent dealer.
Unfortunately, casinos appear to frown upon frocked guests sprinkling water on their dealers, but that is concrete proof that the casinos are in league with the devil himself.
Has anyone tried chicken bones? This is the voodoo board.



Well-Known Member
ihate17 said:
That same old familiar dealer from hell problem.

I explained earlier that a priest loaded with holy water is one of the best solutions. It is not the dealer, it is the devil in the shoe and or the demon in the shuffle machine that has possessed the innocent dealer.
Unfortunately, casinos appear to frown upon frocked guests sprinkling water on their dealers, but that is concrete proof that the casinos are in league with the devil himself.
Has anyone tried chicken bones? This is the voodoo board.

I once brought my mother-in-laws lucky frog key chain... wasn't lucky for me so I tossed it in the trash. Sorry Sagefr0g...

Then I brought the NY Lottery's, "A Little Bit of Luck" but he didn't work either. Smashed him in the head and tossed him in the ash tray.

The almightly flow of the cards turned to a river and flooded my spot with winning hands, that must have been due to my wife's praying to the BJ gods.

Whew... glad this is the Voodoo board...




Well-Known Member
Determining the efficacy of prayer has been attempted in various studies since Francis Galton first addressed it in 1872, as partly satire. Some studies have demonstrated benefit, some have demonstrated harm, and some have found no benefit from prayer. Others suggest that the topic is outside the realm of science altogether. According to the Washington Post, "...prayer is the most common complement to mainstream medicine, far outpacing acupuncture, herbs, vitamins and other alternative remedies.

"To date, scientific, religious and philosophical views on the efficacy of prayer do not agree, and much controversy still surrounds the subject. Medical studies have, at times, provided conflicting conclusions, and debate continues regarding the confounding variables in some studies. Religious groups have objected to the very measurement of the efficacy of prayer and complained that what the studies measure is mechanical rather than real prayer.

The philosophical controversy on this topic even involves the basic issues of statistical inference and falsifiability as to what it may mean to "prove" or "disprove" something, and the problem of demarcation, i.e., as to whether this topic is even within the realm of science at all. Following his systematic review of healing as a therapy for human disease, in 2000, Neil C. Abbot of the Department of Medicine, University of Dundee, wrote: "No firm conclusions about the efficacy or inefficacy of healing can be drawn."

It should, however, be noted that in comparison to other fields that have been scientifically studied, carefully monitored studies of prayer are relatively few. If and when more studies of prayer are done, the issue of prayer's efficacy may be further clarified.One may note that the first academic type research paper was done centuries ago in England.


Well-Known Member
Magic ray gun makes wallet fatter

IHate17, the baldy-head badass guy with the magic ray gun could be the answer. A gun like that and you point it at your bankroll and pull the trigger... Soon your BR, like Flash, weighs 1000 pounds. You could also secretly point it at nasty pitcritters. :cat:


Well-Known Member
bjcount said:
I once brought my mother-in-laws lucky frog key chain... wasn't lucky for me so I tossed it in the trash. Sorry Sagefr0g...

Then I brought the NY Lottery's, "A Little Bit of Luck" but he didn't work either. Smashed him in the head and tossed him in the ash tray.

The almightly flow of the cards turned to a river and flooded my spot with winning hands, that must have been due to my wife's praying to the BJ gods.

Whew... glad this is the Voodoo board...

possed to have lady luck kiss the frog first, then it's mighty powers are unleased

