Happy Veterens Day!


Well-Known Member
I would like to personelly thank all those served in our armed forces over the years to keep us free. Wether you joined or were drafted into the military we salute the members of our armed forces today. We the American people salute the members of the military that made the supreme sacrifice to defend this nation you are not foregotten. Thank you all once again for your service. blackchipjim


Well-Known Member
thank you blackchipjim, its nice to know people still appreciate what we do now and have done in the past

(Ft. Polk, LA Apr. 2007-current)


Active Member
What ccl said!

(Pendleton, Virginia, Lejeune (Pretty much whereever they want me) Oct. 2005 - Current)


Well-Known Member
Especially in these times, it is good to have a special day like yesterday for folks like yourselves. Working with a couple Iraq vets puts things in perspective for a civilian...whether we like war or not, the defenders of our country get my thanks.

good luck


Well-Known Member
howd you like lejeune ekimlacks, my brother didnt care for it much, i liked it except the idiots that reminded me while in my army pt's grabbing some hygeine stuff that i was on a USMC installation and that they didnt think i should be wearing my pt's out on base. Day i graduated basic, so i didnt have much as far as civilians especially at 10pm


Active Member
I'm still here in Lejeune, it's alright considering I live outside of base and only have to deal with everyone during working hours. I'm from Southern California though, so being stationed here instead of Pendleton is slightly annoying. Overall it's good, nice places to go to eat, but boring town.


Well-Known Member
my brother spent almost 4 years there and just recently made it to his ETS date, im from N. Calif. originally and was hoping for Ft. Lewis but made it here to Lousyanna instead


Well-Known Member
My dad is a WW2 vet, and I call him every Mem Day and Vets Day to say thanks a lot, and good job.