Harrahs Chester- Ill take the pepsi challenge with your annoying ploppies


Well-Known Member
My favorite store-WOW- let me repeat that-WOW these people are annoying scum.
Saw some dood speeding through the tables pushing ahead of him a helpless mentally handicapped individual. This person was then abandoned to drool on himself for a good half hour- unchecked even briefly, mind you, while said ploppy aggresively pilfered his stake in some pathetic attempt to make his day better.

Im backcounting a shoe where yet another big fat black lady is playing 2 spots at ten each but taking up 3.5 seats with her blubbery, outrageous ass cheeks. Taking up another 1.5 seats is ,of course, her aquaintance. This is an actual crack-whore. She has a large bump on her forehead- it looks like someone has tapped her on the head with a hammer. She is not playing. She is chain smoking and dropping her lit cigarettes on the carpet when she is done. She makes no effort to step on them. We might all die trapped in burning hell for all she cares. She offers nothing other than lip to the waitress who has informed her that fetching drinks for ugly broke assed crack whores does not suit her fancy.

New 10 min tables open- every spot has a marker except one- i sit and wait 8-9 minutes for them to wash and then were ready. There is an enourmous beast of a woman- another salty black chick to my left suddenly looking alarmed that there is nowhere to put her bet. Her SECOND bet. I am informed, courtesy of her annoying friend that She wants to play two spots. The enourmity of what they are implying is too much for me to understand immediately and I fumble for words. I cannot give her the toungue lashing she so badly needs. I utter in astonishment "i've been here 10 minutes sitting next to you waiting" and "the spot was open, are you f#4$ng kidding me? This woman wants me to pick up my bet and LEAVE so she can spread two $10 bets. Now if I was Creeping Panther I would have head butted her but to my shame I only cursed her and stumbled away, shocked and confused.

Next table count skyrockets- i mean, lucky lady worthy count here. Dealer proceeds to give everyone at the table a lesson on how to lose. Making matters much , much worse I make an unbelievable error surrendering 88 vs an ace. She pulls 3 ace upcards in a row- I insure all 3 and she doesnt have it. ever. She gives me stiffs only and im surrendering like a deranged asian ploppy- 16's 15's 14's - I want half my sh?t back. I'm playin defense on every move and shes still opened my nose. So this debacle ends mercifully and 3rd base ploppy wants a few words. He has been huffing and puffing at my unthinkable actions of course. Slowing the game and wrecking the flow.Now he leans in to whisper to me his nuggets of wisdom, seemingly afraid that a PC might get smart regarding his omnipitence. I am informed that surrender is a sucker bet and I am losing because I should only insure good hands.

This is in the span of an hour. It goes on and on. These are some of the more pleasant people i've met there.
...Im backcounting a shoe where yet another big fat black lady is playing 2 spots at ten each but taking up 3.5 seats with her blubbery, outrageous ass cheeks...
What's the matter, haven't you crossed that line before?

You should have asked if you could play behind her.


Well-Known Member
Ah PA clientele, they are the best. I have no doubt that these ploppies acted this way. Even if they weren't gambling if you met them on the street you would be treated the same way. After living there 12+ years I am convinced that there is something fundamentally wrong with their brains and should not be let out of the state, just for the rest of the countries safety.


Well-Known Member
With the risk of being FALSELY accused of (class/race based) snobbery, via my lack of "political correctness";
I must admit that in some venues it can be nauseating to have to play "cheek to jowl'
with morbidly obese illiterates, whose uncivil behavior can be highly vexing.

The other day I find a deep-dealing dealer in a heads-up game, when along comes a woman of the tonnage and general physiognomy that you describe.

Not only can't she keep her trap closed for more than 2 or 3 seconds as she guzzles beer and chain-smokes, she is beyond malodorous.
She is odiferous, with the tell-tale reek of the unwashed. But hold on comrades. it gets worse. What is that other noxious stench offending my olfactory sense ?
Bingo ! You guessed it. She reeks of urine !

I am soon standing proximate and LEFT of third base. I play from there, sharing knowing empathic grins with dealer and floorman alike.
She has the first two bases covered, and then some. I admit to my hoping that she loses, and rapidly so. She obliges.

When she finally busts out the dealer empathizes with me, and tells me that she has been playing for a ("really") long time,
but it was her incessant whining "driving him nuts"

I must admit that the older I get, the less tolerant of the lumpenproletariat I become.
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Well-Known Member
these big words may sound impressive, but "asshattery" - now that's a KEEPER!

thanks, JulieCA ;)


Well-Known Member
I find that Harrahs Chester is pretty player-friendly. They cut between 1-1.5 decks out of 8, they have $10 min all day. The tables aren't crowded during the day, so I can easily back-count. Dealer errors are always ruled in the player's favor. One time a queen fell off the top of the discard tray and landed in 3rd base's hand, but the dealer didn't see that card fall and was puzzled as to where that mystery queen of hearts came from. The dealer was showing an ace. The pit boss allowed all players to pull their bets back, and everyone did. Another time the dealer showed a 6 and accidentally exposed his hole card, which was a ten. I had Ace-8 and placed another bet to double down. Someone with a 20 split and resplit tens, someone doubled a soft 20, someone doubled a hard 5. Another time I saw someone who placed a tip for the dealer got a 20 in the form of 2 kings of diamonds and got paid for the lucky ladies instead of just for winning the hand. The dealer toked the entire lucky ladies payout.

The pit boss offered me a comp to the buffet without me asking for it after I played at a $15 table for 5 hours in a row. All with no heat despite spreading from $15-2x100. They also offer twice the usual Harrah's rate of comps for poker.

Sure, the usual gambling addicts are playing during the day and overnight, but you learn to ignore them. They get mad if you wong in and out, so use that to your advantage. And if someone joins the table in a high count, tell them that they'll mess up the "flow" if they enter. Gambling addicts are also fish in the poker room.

b jay cobbson

Active Member
ROTFLMFAO at your entire post...

...Next thing they will do is put a casino in Fishtown......................Oh, they already have.
