Have You Ever Been Cheated With Certainty

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
I mean:
You saw the 2nd dealt
You counted the extra cards or lack of

Let's not consider:
I lost money as cheating:joker::whip:

If you are certain you were cheated please name casino or if not comfortable giving that information at least city, state.

Give as much detail as you can.


Well-Known Member
The only time I know for certain that I was cheated was in the El Cortez.
I know I was cheated because the pitboss walked over and picked up two cards that had fallen to the floor by the delers feet and both were face cards. How long they had been removed from the DD shoe before it was discovered is unknown, and I doubt they were removed on purpose, but the fact is several hands were played with a shoe that was missing two faces. PB would do nothing more than giving us the option of playing out the current hand or calling it dead.


Well-Known Member
I'm NOT saying that you guys DIDN'T get cheated at the Nugget or anywhere else, for that matter; but unless you're willing to provide actual details, your stories are nothing more than unsubstantiated claims. I can see now that this thread will eventually turn into nothing more than baseless slander & libel.

blackjack avenger

Well-Known Member
I Swear To Tell What I Think Happened

If someone says
At casino X
I believe I saw Y

I don't think that is libel or slander?:joker::whip:

but I am not a "professional" lawyer :joker::whip:


Well-Known Member
Sucker said:
I'm NOT saying that you guys DIDN'T get cheated at the Nugget or anywhere else, for that matter; but unless you're willing to provide actual details, your stories are nothing more than unsubstantiated claims. I can see now that this thread will eventually turn into nothing more than baseless slander & libel.

You've got mail.



Well-Known Member
blackjack avenger said:
If someone says
At casino X
I believe I saw Y

I don't think that is libel or slander?:joker::whip:

but I am not a "professional" lawyer :joker::whip:
You are correct. That is not libel or slander. But if you state something "with certainty", then you must be prepared to back it up with facts.

Let me make one thing clear: I am not calling ANYONE a liar. If FLASH or anyone else whom I know to be a knowledgeable player tells me he's been cheated; I believe that he's probably telling the truth. I'm just trying to remind him that out of fairness he should provide details; otherwise his credibility suffers, at least in the eyes of the AVERAGE reader of his post.


Well-Known Member
This happened at the Nugget in the summer of 2008, and I still remember the event quite well because at the time it was very upsetting. I was playing their SD $25 game heads-up. I was getting 6 rounds per shuffle. On one hand I had a 3-unit bet out (my max on SD is 4 units). I was dealt a soft 17 vs. dealer 9. I hit and got a face for a hard 17 (ugh!). The dealer flips a 4, then deals himself an Ace, then a 2, and says "Seventeen, push." As he is scooping the cards I said "Wait, you only had sixteen." He then spreads the cards, re-tallys, and agrees with me.

He is about to deal himself the next card, lifting up the upper right (our left) corner enough so that I can clearly identify it, the 9 of clubs. However, he inexplicably pauses and says "I need to call the pit boss over." I thought it was kind of strange but did not balk. She took a minute to make her way to our table, he explained the situation, and she responded "Well go ahead, take the next card."

I was all set for a 3 unit win when he pulled the next card, the 5 of diamonds! Now, I can see mistaking some pairs of cards for the other (eg, A and 4, 8 and 9, 6 and 8, etc), but never a 5 and a 9! Especially if they're of different colored suits! I also try to observe the dealer's hands very closely in pitch games looking for flashers. He then says with a grin "I'm sorry, my friend, you should have taken the push." I was so mad I really wanted to jump right across the table . . . I couldn't complain, either . . . what could I have said, "He exposed enough of the next card for me to know that he would have busted?"

Needless to say, that was the last hand I ever played against him. He was still at the Nugget in March. There have been times when things have been going so badly I was all but convinced that I was cheated, but this was a bona fide, unequivocal fleecing, if only for one hand.


nottooshabby said:
This happened at the Nugget in the summer of 2008, and I still remember the event quite well because at the time it was very upsetting. I was playing their SD $25 game heads-up. I was getting 6 rounds per shuffle. On one hand I had a 3-unit bet out (my max on SD is 4 units). I was dealt a soft 17 vs. dealer 9. I hit and got a face for a hard 17 (ugh!). The dealer flips a 4, then deals himself an Ace, then a 2, and says "Seventeen, push." As he is scooping the cards I said "Wait, you only had sixteen." He then spreads the cards, re-tallys, and agrees with me.

He is about to deal himself the next card, lifting up the upper right (our left) corner enough so that I can clearly identify it, the 9 of clubs. However, he inexplicably pauses and says "I need to call the pit boss over." I thought it was kind of strange but did not balk. She took a minute to make her way to our table, he explained the situation, and she responded "Well go ahead, take the next card."

I was all set for a 3 unit win when he pulled the next card, the 5 of diamonds! Now, I can see mistaking some pairs of cards for the other (eg, A and 4, 8 and 9, 6 and 8, etc), but never a 5 and a 9! Especially if they're of different colored suits! I also try to observe the dealer's hands very closely in pitch games looking for flashers. He then says with a grin "I'm sorry, my friend, you should have taken the push." I was so mad I really wanted to jump right across the table . . . I couldn't complain, either . . . what could I have said, "He exposed enough of the next card for me to know that he would have busted?"

Needless to say, that was the last hand I ever played against him. He was still at the Nugget in March. There have been times when things have been going so badly I was all but convinced that I was cheated, but this was a bona fide, unequivocal fleecing, if only for one hand.
:mad::mad::mad::mad: THATS THE WORST! I would have been livid