HE for standard game


Well-Known Member
Been looking at the HE for a couple of games, and I seem to have run up against a discrepancy (at least "in the books")

HE for a standard 6D game (S17, DOA, DAS, RS4, BJ 3:2) I had always taken to be 0.54% (eg from BBBJ, or from WOO)

However, when I use these same parameters in one of the online edge calculators (such as Norm's - http://www.qfit.com/blackjack-odds-calculator.htm) - I get HE of 0.4%.

I am sure it must be obvious... but where is the 0.14% I am missing ?



Well-Known Member
Thanks, that was the glaringly obvious which I missed - the tables I was looking at were using a baseline of NDAS. duh.

London Colin said:
From the relevant table in Blackjack Attack it looks like your 0.54% figure is for NDAS, not DAS.


Well-Known Member
discrepancy with CVD sim

I consistently get sim results (simming with basic strategy) of 0.025% greater HE than theoretical. Admittedly a small difference, but not insignificant for my sim (assessing a CSM game).

Could this be due to the theo number being based on perfect play, including hand composition ? Even in 6D ? Any other explanation ?


bj21abc said:
Thanks, that was the glaringly obvious which I missed - the tables I was looking at were using a baseline of NDAS. duh.

London Colin

Well-Known Member
bj21abc said:
I consistently get sim results (simming with basic strategy) of 0.025% greater HE than theoretical. Admittedly a small difference, but not insignificant for my sim (assessing a CSM game).Thanks
Are you actually simming a CSM, or do you just mean the purpose of your basic-strategy sim is to assess a CSM game?

If you're not simming the CSM, the discrepancy may well be the cut-card effect.


Well-Known Member
Good call.

Not simming a CSM, just using CVD with 1/2 deck pen on 6 decks -
and yes, the cut card effect fits quite nicely into the discrepancy there - I'll run a few sims with fixed number of rounds to see what happens...

London Colin said:
Are you actually simming a CSM, or do you just mean the purpose of your basic-strategy sim is to assess a CSM game?

If you're not simming the CSM, the discrepancy may well be the cut-card effect.


Well-Known Member