Heads up play

Sonny said:
Well, when you say things like “oh wait, oooooh, now i get it” halfway through your post it kinda gives that impression. It almost seems like you would have figured it out if you thought about it a little more before responding.

this makes me sound stupid, but sometimes i concentrate more on what im going to type instead of thinking about what the answer to the question could be.. the reason i typed that in the middle and still posted is because i took a long time thinking/wording that, so i wasnt just going to delete it all.. is there some problem with asking a question without sitting there for 15 minutes thinking, "hmm, am i SURE i dont know the answer to this"? i sure as hell would be much further down the list than the people who come on here asking google questions like, "how do you count cards", "what is a true count", "can somebody explain how to play blackjack to me", etc, and i dont see you or anybody else insulting them.. and yes, some of the things you say border on constructive criticism and insults, not to say that i havent also said insulting things to others, but i have become much better at saying things nicely.. i sometimes get the vibe your trying to insult me without flat out doing it.. i really enjoy reading the good posts from you and the other execs, so lets keep it that way
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Well-Known Member
SilentBob420BMFJ said:
but i have become much better at saying things nicely... i really enjoy reading the good posts from you and the other execs, so lets keep it that way
I think you have too so don't get too paranoid :)

And if u ever think I/anyone made a good post, one that you enjoyed for some reason, although I don't consider myself an exec around here lol, or a post that helped you in maybe even the smallest way, feel free to let me/them know.
now if you dont bet the same, then multiple hands is better right? for instance, $50 at one hand, or $75 at each of 2 hands or something like that.. see, thats what i was thinking about above, which is why i was so confused.. so is it ok to "eat the cards" as long as you are getting the same amount of money out per round, meaning that $50 in 5 hands is the same as $25 in 10 hands, both = $250 played.. your variance will go down, but your betting will be more volatile/less accurate since the count will change more during a round, and obviously you cant change your bet in the middle of the round, whereas if you play 1 hand, the count isnt going to change as much round to round.. is this correct?


SilentBob420BMFJ said:
as long as your not putting more money out on the table, multiple hands is always better, it reduces variance..
Not always better, depends entirely on the #other players. zg


SilentBob420BMFJ said:
$200 into 2 hands the same as $150 into 1 hand? i dunno about that, that sounds like 2 hands reduces the variance by a lot, which from what others have said on here, it doesnt sound like it reduces it that much.. i dunno tho, but id rather bet the 1 hand @ $150
2x100 is more money on the table yet the same risk as only 150 x1.

Elementary first year theory there, Silent One. zg