Heads-Up Speed and Count Choice


Well-Known Member
aslan said:
I have thought about switching, but really don't see much gain from it. Maybe others are proponents of the level 2 unbalanced count and can share why they feel it's so much better than a level 1 unbalanced count. A level 2 count is not so difficult, it's the nuisance truing up of the balanced counts that I feel requires more attention than it's worth.

Its better if your playing any pitch games, if your exclusively playing shoe games there no reason to switch. My friend still uses TKO and we played through some DD just to compare and it was quite obvious after just a few rounds that the UBZ indicated advantageous situations/plays when TKO was not quite there.

When we played 6 decks we did not notice any difference and this was after dozens of shoes. There are plenty of sims around that show the difference to be on pitch games and near identical results on 6+ decks but was interesting to actually see it work out the way (even if our sample size was small compared to 100 million rounds).

While at first the level 2 took more concentration and some fatigue after a few times in the casino that was completely gone and its just as easy as level 1. Not saying its necessarily worth switching, just that the advantage is real and with a little upfront work its just as easy as KO.