I am only a red chip player with a high bet of under $100, so I haven't experienced much heat during my 8 months of living and playing here. I am soon partnering with another player, who plays professionally (I am retired,supplementing) and will be combining bankrolls which will allow me to play a little higher stakes like the $25 tables. I am trying to adapt to his style of shorter sessions to avoid heat. I know he knows what he is talking about with this method, but, in listening to the gambling show on the radio last week, there was a guy, vinny who is a pit boss in vegas that was talking about less heat now here due to the recent reductions in pit workers. He claims there are fewer people in the pit and each person is now responsible for 8-12 games where they used to be responsible for 4, so they are not able to watch as closely and are less concerned about counters, especially at my level. Anyone know anything about this? Or know of this guy and if he is really a pit boss? Why are the casinos cutting down on personel? Economics? or are they concentrating more on technology and survaliance now? This seems like good news for card counters here. Maybe not at high limit $100 games.